Special thanks to Rhijin for commissioning this chapter.
We're opening a translation commission, be it hentai or normal manga. please contact me via our discord server if anyone is interested. discord server: https://discord.gg/Pazs2Mh you can @ us if I don't respond. sometimes stupid discord won't give us notice on that channel. e-mail: [email protected] Or you can send us a PM on E-hentai forum. Thank you for reading our work!
Read up on presence rule, as I said. A gallery ought to have any given tag present in 25% of all images or at least 10 images for galleries of ~80 images. Vore is not a 1-image-tag, so presence rule is not satisfied here and this shouldn't be tagged vore.
https://ehwiki.org/wiki/Gallery_Tagging Right there, the very first entry for usage guidelines, extra big and bold letters. "In general do NOT tag something unless it has a fair amount of presence in a gallery. Anything found in only 1-2 images should almost never be tagged." Unless there's ~6 pages worth of vore here, it should NOT be tagged.
Base +9, CHT +9, SeaSlug182 -6, JS McG +6, firehaz -11, Mrsuperhappy +49, D.rkGl.ss +3