Posted on 21 October 2021, 10:32 by:
Charlo566 Base +6, MelancholyPrincesses -6, Suro Sudiro -7, blinkybli -10, Teratore -6, FrostyL -9, Wolfwod -8, poep -17, poppyseed02134 -7, detectiverage -7, rescates123 -6, BeingHappy -7, SomeLazyDouche -7, and 3 more...
Base +6, elwendys +6, rescates123 +6, BeingHappy +7, Not Benedict +6, Eclipse131 +6, The Ganja Lord +6, Sergeres +7, Jenkitsune +8, Afganitia +4, Sylphvine +6
Posted on 22 October 2021, 10:21 by:
Yowl Score
Base +5, Eclipse131 +6, Jenkitsune +8, Afganitia +4
Posted on 01 January 2022, 00:33 by:
LulaBony Score
Base +4, Jenkitsune +8, Afganitia +4