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Parororo/Paroro (Secret Layers Gallery)

Posted:2021-10-26 06:37
Visible:No (Replaced)
File Size:84.68 MiB
Length:61 pages
Favorited:570 times
Average: 4.61

There are newer versions of this gallery available:

Parororo/Paroro (Secret Layers Gallery), added 2021-10-26 22:48

Showing 1 - 40 of 61 images

Posted on 26 October 2021, 06:37
Uploader Comment
An artist that has a nice coloring style but pretty crappy posting schedule (Patreon post are a year ahead of Twitter posts). The artist also has a clever way of hiding NSFW post in PSD. This isn't all of them I'm sure and some don't have proper "nude" versions. I'll link the PSD with all of the ones I'm able to save (including ones not here) later on if anyone wants to take a crake at making any edits. Files are in not particular order.

If you have any more recent art, let me know. If the artist wants this gallery removed/striped down, please let me know.


Artist links:

Patreon(One year ahead on art, several months ahead on the comic):



Posted on 26 October 2021, 08:59 by:   rencen    PM
Score +17
First time seeing lewd/ nude of Aria from Crawling City!

Yes I know of rule 34 but I never check her out on there til I saw this (she has a decent amount)!
Posted on 27 October 2021, 00:03 by:   hxy152571651    PM
Score +7
Posted on 06 November 2021, 15:26 by:   Paroro    PM
Score -28
Hey there, I'm sad to see this. As the artist it always hurts to see my content be posted publicly like this without my consent.
On one hand of course I appreciate the interest in my work, and I like giving my supporters some bonus content like this, but the fear of seeing exactly this happen? It just pulls me back from wanting to add these "bonus" secret layers in PSDs anymore.

I'll kindly have to ask you to remove this gallery.

Thanks for your consideration.


PD. Also I'm aware my posting schedule is like that, it's just a personal thing.
Edit 2:
Alright friends, I'm sorry you ruined it, thanks to this I won't be posting secret layers on patreon anymore, only regular PSDs.
Last edited on 14 November 2021, 04:24.
Posted on 06 November 2021, 18:48 by:   OkamiZer0    PM
Score +6
The gallery can't be deleted completely, but it can be stripped down by removing the "exclusive imagines". I'll handle it when I have free time
Posted on 14 November 2021, 06:05 by:   DevilsAdvocate    PM
Score -86
You're an enormous faggot who doesn't understand how the internet works. Suck your own dick and kill yourself.

You're an even bigger faggot for breaking down a paywall and then going back on it when the artist cries bitch tears.
Posted on 30 November 2021, 14:48 by:   I am Sin    PM
Score +50
I was a patron (on and off) for Paroro for a few years until I finally quit Patreon all together, the biggest reason was the PSDs always had lower resolution for unknown reason, this was kinda disappointing as I was paying for it.

Anyways, I don't think all patrons take advantage of those secret layers in PSDs (because not everyone knows how to use layers in Photoshop, let alone Photoshop's insane cost (unless you pirate)). So why not simply include NSFW images in a format that every highest level patron can see with ease? Patreon allows NSFW content anyways.

I mainly look at Aria, but Paroro doesn't draw that much for Aria anymore (mostly doujin work and sketches nowadays), I feel like this original character deserves much more attention (because it's what really sets an artist from the others apart). Nekopara's main characters: Chocolate and Vanilla started off as original characters in Sayori's artwork/doujin, and look at how far these original characters have gone (and how much popularity they have gained for the artist).

Trying to bring down shared artwork is very understandable, but it's only gonna become harder and harder once an artist gains more popularity (because more people will attempt to share your work online), see how Sakimichan limits her artwork aggressively, but her artwork is still all over the place online. To be honest, if it wasn't pirating I wouldn't even know Paroro existed (so the pirating served kind like an advertisement too).

Also DevilsAdvocate really has no respect to anyone whatsoever.
Last edited on 30 November 2021, 15:27.
Posted on 02 May 2023, 19:19 by:   Mtgwolfie    PM
Score +12
Paroro, while it sucks when paywalls get town down, that's sadly how the internet works. I'm a writer, and I have to say I can't count how many times my paid works get leaked for free. But the thing is, most people are aware that you need that cash to survive. So if they want more, they need to pay.

I bring that up because all too often, we get things like a picture that's censored with a caption "patron as it uncensored" so you go to look, and yeah. The censor has been removed but under it was tape, or clothing, or whatever. Like, perhaps you've had a different take on it, but I've personally made more from the leaks from people who see it, know that paid content is worth the money and don't want to wait and scour for the leaks later.

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