This story happens in the distant future, the machines has rebelled against humans and plans to exterminate them all. Yes, Terminator style, but this machine/computer likes to do giant mechs rather than cyborgs/humanoid robots. Humanity was on the brink of losing, until they discovered a meteor with unknown Alien DNA. This alien DNA could be modified to have different abilities, and then, the humans created this half-human half-alien soldiers called Chimera Squad. This story focuses on the unit codenamed ER1S-1 and how she infiltrates a large robot factory, will she succeed?
This is a monthly exclusive project, you can find the complete and uncensored version if you support me on Fanbox! Fanbox:
Incredible work with this one, probably my favorite one thus far. It's got that futile resistance aspect stretched out to a delicious extent and has that shoe drop that any good corruption story needs. The ending is a little weak but altogether it's a solid 8 or 9 out of 10.