so what the hell is up with this game? I assume this game is taking place during shuffle 2 which is supposed to be a century after the events of the original shuffle game. But Princess x Princess has some CG where the characters from Shuffle 1 and characters from shuffle 2 are enteracting with each other. So I am now a bit confused on what exactly is going on and when the time frame of Shuffle 2 took place.
@haiyami it's the sequel of Shuffle 2 (from Lithia route), Raito and the others were doing some time + alternate worlds traveling, from this point you can already guess what will happen next.
Shuffle 1 --> Shuffle 2 (100 years later. only Primula, the only original Shuffle character to survive as she's revealed to be an immortal) --> Princess x Princess (a few months later) ... The MC and the heroines were time traveling to the past.