Base +6, MelmothTheWanderer -30, JDtheDoctor +6, Mad-Kruger +6, Kau -6, dekamaster2 +7, buttobicpu -27, absolugom -7, kazukiyamato -7, criminalking +6, Agent Bun -16, aguy57 -6, Goblin_Slayer_Jr. +11, and 11 more...
Base +7, MelmothTheWanderer -30, kazukiyamato -7, criminalking +6, aguy57 -6, fighterzer98 -7, Goblin_Slayer_Jr. +11, Chief Slapaho +10, absolugom -7, LycraPawn -7, robypoo -9, L0wk3y -8, neneu -6, and 4 more...
Base +7, fighterzer98 +7, Goblin_Slayer_Jr. +11, Balefries +6, absolugom +7, plusarkos +6, robypoo +9, Mr. Buddy +6, colifa +6, Smokeman99 +6, archmancer8 +5, HamburgerHelper +7, TheBrojangles +6, and 6 more...
Base +5, absolugom +7, plusarkos +6, longjhondingdong -6, L0wk3y +8, neneu -6, Caua of the god +2, archmancer8 +5, Gidi6 +5, pureyang +23, Jizz23 +6
Base +6, LycraPawn -7, MelmothTheWanderer -30, absolugom -7, L0wk3y -8, colifa +6, captaindope +6, dirge69 -6, Person8 -7, pureyang +23
Base +6, colifa +6, HentaiLord6969 -6, MelmothTheWanderer -30, 1102kg -6, snpaa -6, archmancer8 +5, captaindope +6, anonymousMember -6, dirge69 -6, Person8 -7, o Jin N Juice o -7
Posted on 03 December 2021, 05:20 by:
Homi Score
Base +6, archmancer8 +5, Gidi6 +5, pureyang +23
Posted on 25 February 2022, 09:30 by:
hotdobbs Score
Base +6, n0va.t0ss94 -6, pureyang -23, Kingmj23 -4, rambo voller +26, MelmothTheWanderer +38, Sim_Sim_Santin +5, GC1real +6