1. You can blacklist uploaders who mainly upload stuff you don't like (in settings) 2. You now can hide tags you dislike, and watch tags you like (configure it in "my tags") 3. Galleries with guro and scat should give you an warning before opening, unless you disabled it. (delete the "nw" cookie to enable it again)
pg10 “… It was intended to just induce relaxation” wait so that was a lie? as in it was all an unreliable narrated flashback? since it contradicts with pg22 “It was just supposed to be… to be fun!” the grainy rewind effect on pg20 (going from mid to last panel) make pretty clear previous imagery was whitewashed
sry for being dumb. just making sure since otherwise it’d feel rlly unjust to get pressured into false confession of having done smth on purpose, due to not wanting to appear unskilled, or if think truth is less believable than fiction so just admit to what they want to hear. that stuff’s srsly dark