Les images gagneraient à être un peu plus travaillées, surtout les sols et les décors, mais ça reste ..heu.. intéressant ! Je me demande ce qu'une féministe dirait de tout ça : Un fantasme sado-masochiste et incestueux ... ou un Nième avatar de la culture du viol ? La question mérite d'être posée ...
While not a feminist per se, I am an adamant advocate for the equality and equalization of the rights, privileges, standards, and treatment of people across all fundamental categories––sex and gender being the two I most often defend. But it is the advocacy for women––"women" as defined by sex, rather than gender––for which I feel most passionate and for whom my rhetoric is most vocal and fiery.
It may come as a surprise, then, that I am also an impenitent lover of necro, snuff, and ryona art. I am, after all, an artist of all three genres. I must be contradicting my own espoused beliefs, then; a hypocrite and a reprehensible human being.
Voilierlatour, you're right when you say "the question needs to be asked." Again, I'm not strictly a feminist, but I believe at the heart of your inquiry you want to know how someone who believes in the equality and equal treatment of women would react to the above artwork, Gonzalez's "Birthday." And this is my reaction: It's just a fantasy.
Taking erotic pleasure in fantasy, even fantasy that genuinely demonstrates the injury and degradation of women, merely indicates there is something within oneself that is sexually titillated by such a fantasy. It by no means definitively proves that one is a sadist, or even a chauvinist. The enjoyment of this genre of erotica may suggest uncommon traits and proclivities in the enjoyer, but no fair and reasonable person would claim it is proof of the enjoyer's unsalvageable moral degeneracy or their malevolence toward the female sex. Just as acting violently within a video game is not an indicator of repressed violent inclinations, engaging in fantasy is not indicative of inner malignancy––even if the fantasy depicts, glamorizes, and eroticizes sadomasochism, incest, rape, violence, murder, gore, necrophilia, or anything else.
...TL;DR : It's just a fantasy. It doesn't indicate anything about the people who made it or get off on it. No one's in danger. No one's getting hurt in real life. Let's all chill the fuck out and jack off in peace.
It is the commissioned set which was made Gonzales for my order. And I am surprised very much because I can not found the tittle page in this set. It is here: /s/d29408e45d/2019293-1
Dear Stilet, thank you for this fantastic gift, I recognised your novel immediately! I'm a big fan of your novels in Russian that were posted on the desadov forum and hope that both the "Unequal fight" and "Silberia" will be posted again.
I added the title page ! Many thanks to Gonzales and Stilet to their job. See also my comments in /g/2025379/df0f2ab7f9/ about reverse-translation from (my) French to English ;-) Let's hope I haven't offended anyone by working like this ..
Quelles limites ? Relisez Sade, relisez Apollinaire (les cent mille verges) ... sans parler des romans non-sexuels ou des films qui décrivent par le menu comment des personnages peuvent être poussés à la folie ou à la mort aux termes de processus sadiques (cf. Saw). Là, on est clairement dans le domaine du fantasme. Les divers éléments irréels, comme la soumission de Lida à un traitement douloureux et mortel, le confirment. Elle fait même preuve de reconnaissance envers son monstrueux père, c'est dire ! Quand aux limites du légal, parlez-moi un peu de l'optimisation fiscale (plus justement appelée "fraude fiscale"). Ça, ça fait des dégâts de grandes ampleurs .. pas comme nos petits jeux sur ce site ! .. et quand à kiffer ou pas, c'est l'affaire de chacun. Comme on dit "Tous les mauvais goûts sont dans la nature !"