Base +6, hentaihito +9, 8050 +6, spierdalacz -8, waltergeist -10, atasitian +20, Draw99Gray -18, North_Away -6, AnimeLov3rxXx -11, yani6 -8, tomci12 -8, fappychubb -6, fireorb21 -7, and 71 more...
Posted on 03 December 2021, 18:08 by:
Thanks Score
Base +7, xxSidoxx -6, FickGesicht +6, killamofo +8, hentaihito -9, Mad-Kruger +6, 8050 -6, DrakovZ-E-D +6, spierdalacz +8, Scrunchface -6, growlqt +6, ulyimos1sy -6, Dustaro -6, and 160 more...
Base +10, MarkJames +13, ulyimos1sy -6, yeeleng133 +8, Orion9137 +11, undefinedghost +7, crowns +6, alantupadre +6, The Ganja Lord +6, anonantilope +6, Paff444 +18, zadkiel +6, Napi200 +6, and 6 more...
Posted on 03 December 2021, 18:27 by:
Z4turn Score
Base +6, Suariju +7, AnimeLov3rxXx -11, Metrevil +7, MelmothTheWanderer +34, Supermen12346 +6, zirpcev -6, xxMemeKing420xx +6, undefinedghost +7, xburner337 +6, player4578 -6, dom1anon -6, crowns +6, and 11 more...
Base +6, ulyimos1sy +6, Silentium9 -6, Draw99Gray -18, North_Away -6, yani6 -8, tomci12 -8, fappychubb -6, msrat +7, jhvscjhfkjasa -8, Eroppy79 -5, MelmothTheWanderer +34, Chen Nyan~ -8, and 33 more...
Base +6, waltergeist +10, Silentium9 -6, yani6 +8, tomci12 +8, gakes +6, Metrevil -7, DazWolf +6, arthurbrown918 +3, Keric22 +6, punkex -6, ShiningBlade +6, brotherdudejack +6, and 45 more...
Posted on 03 December 2021, 21:14 by:
norieelys Score
Base +6, UrRegSucks +6, DiCiCanvas -6, Metrevil -7, Orion9137 +11, ShiningBlade +6, brotherdudejack +6, AhKai +6, retrox -6, undefinedghost +7, TeacS +5, player4578 +6, absolugom +7, and 27 more...
Posted on 03 December 2021, 21:35 by:
AtotehZ Score
Base +11, AnimeLov3rxXx -11, Metrevil +7, MelmothTheWanderer +34, undefinedghost +7, xburner337 +6, player4578 -6, Legenderydud +6, theo980926 -6, lehma18 -6, UnpleasantUnfezant +7, tadpolegaming +6, Paff444 -18, and 4 more...
Base +6, punkex -6, brotherdudejack -6, Legenderydud +6, absolugom -7, darko536 +6, Hollowfied -6, theo980926 -6, xaqq +6, Bogh -6, Nayan +6, Krilos -6, anonantilope -6, and 13 more...
Posted on 04 December 2021, 03:48 by:
B.J.izzle Score
Base +6, undefinedghost +7, player4578 -6, absolugom -7, crowns +6, darko536 -6, Hollowfied -6, theo980926 -6, xaqq +6, Bogh +6, TiberNation +6, Nayan +6, Taelin -6, and 21 more...
Posted on 04 December 2021, 05:45 by:
chanta76 Score
Base +6, undefinedghost +7, player4578 -6, Legenderydud +6, klalafu -6, absolugom -7, crowns +6, theo980926 -6, Bogh -6, Riddik11 +7, yapzp +6, cooldankkid -7, MRkimchi -6, and 21 more...
Base +12, punkex -6, absolugom +7, crowns -6, darko536 +6, alantupadre +6, Taelin -6, lehma18 -6, KaTIOWa +6, tadpolegaming -6, Sugarsparkle -9, stealingtime -7, whitexwhite -4, and 9 more...
Base +6, Legenderydud +6, player4578 -6, klalafu -6, MelmothTheWanderer +34, absolugom +7, EFBxEPiG -6, dom1anon -6, crowns +6, darko536 -6, xaqq +6, Riddik11 +7, Krilos -6, and 36 more...
Posted on 04 December 2021, 12:58 by:
Aa131211 Score
Last edited on 04 December 2021, 18:06.
Base +7, absolugom +7, player4578 +6, dom1anon +6, crowns -6, AGMlolz +18, darko536 +6, MelmothTheWanderer -30, theo980926 +6, Riddik11 -7, yapzp -6, cooldankkid +7, gooched -6, and 50 more...
Base +6, absolugom +7, theo980926 -6, tadpolegaming -6, stealingtime -7, kealuox +7, PKPremium +6
Base +1, absolugom +7, player4578 +6, yapzp -6, Bamboo31 +15, Taelin -6, theo980926 +6, AnimeLov3rxXx +11, arthurbrown918 +3, IronLich -6, CJustice +10, pooppandapoo +6, UnpleasantUnfezant +7, and 21 more...
Posted on 06 December 2021, 22:24 by:
Yukipo~ Score
Base +6, Taelin +6, KouGee +6, theo980926 +6, The Ganja Lord +6, absolugom +7, aubrie paterson +6, squilliam +6, DarkDZ -7, hpsurfer2 +4, UnpleasantUnfezant -7, Wet Tissue Paper +6, KaTIOWa +6, and 19 more...
Base +6, Taelin +6, theo980926 -6, anonantilope +6, AnimeLov3rxXx -11, absolugom -7, IronLich +6, ChezoftheKick -8, Perpcern -9, DarkDZ -7, CJustice -10, pooppandapoo -6, hpsurfer2 -4, and 17 more...
Base +2, hpsurfer2 -4, lehma18 +6, player4578 +6, UnpleasantUnfezant +7, Misterbk +6, tadpolegaming +6, AlexJoe +8, Paff444 +18, Damoriel +6, cxz12 +6, Emmeryn +6, Napi200 +6, and 25 more...
Base +6, Mr. Grey +6, Damoriel +6, fatboy213 +6, Chojiin -6, Buttlad +6, Obli-Kisaragi -7, JustARandomAnon +6, PrettyboyAloe +6, brotherdudejack +6, HighPrima +6, anonymousMember -6, vetmode +7, and 3 more...
Base +13, Mr. Grey -6, rambo voller +25, Damoriel -6, Buttlad -6, anonymousMember +6, ShortFuseman -3
Base +6, ShortFuseman -1, LegalDustbin +6, Templarknight -12, Fofotron -6, Coobadge -6, DarkDZ -7, brotherdudejack -6, fatboy213 -6, anonymousMember +6, qwertyuiopo -6, UnpleasantUnfezant -7, vetmode -7, and 4 more...