Saw that valmar's tumblr here was uploaded, but usual spiel: I have the raws, here they are.
Valmar didn't often draw super large, so it's hard to tell the difference, but if you ever see the _1280 version of any image, pay attention to the top of an image, especialy if there's text when comparing an _raw and _1280, something fucky goes on with rescaling. I've had situations where the _1280 is bigger than the _raw, it's that weird.
But here we are with these files, and hopefully I'm not doing his in vain and Valmar themself hasn't uploaded everything in here to a more respectable site in the past like Newgrounds. Or a Mega Archive. Or even their own e-hentai archive.
More artists should just consider making their own e-hentai archives, I swear.