I get that people complained about the quality of your good scans (which you used to do) for translating from and such, but you made your point a year ago.
So now, here's a few points that I would like to make clear to you. 1) A lot of people don't even know or remember why you started doing this. To them, you look like a dick. 2) Most of those who do know and remember think you're no longer justified in doing this. It's no longer making a statement, or defending yourself. As I (and many others) see it, it's now just you being a dick. 3) Per points 1 and 2, the only thing most people know and remember about you now is that you are a dick.
You could even be liked by a majority of the people on this site, and be one of the most valued uploaders, because you scan a ton of stuff. You clearly have a lot of time and dedication. But instead you'd rather be hated by pretty much everyone. Why?
You've ruined thousands of galleries doing this, even for people who can read Japanese/who aren't scanlators (a minority of viewers are interested scanlators). It's ridiculous and all it's doing is pissing people off. If that's your goal, to make the world just a little colder, then you have succeeded. Congratulations.