Posted on 07 December 2021, 19:21 by:
Ronnie42 Posted on 07 December 2021, 19:26 by:
Ronnie42 Score
Base +7, pooppundae +6, Qwerty Bam -6, EchoBane -6, chaosspawn666 -6, aramil31 -6, hexilant +10, justin481844 -7, OogaChaka +6, Masacre 123 -8, kemono69 +9, SSJ Wiggy +7, fantasticunimportant +5
Posted on 07 December 2021, 19:57 by:
蓝蓝的地 Score
Base +6, Max.master64 +6, Qwerty Bam +6, LaviRoux +6, aramil31 +6, hexilant -10, GeniusDuck +6, kemono69 -9, RARmaster +7, fantasticunimportant +5
Posted on 07 December 2021, 20:15 by:
@nonymous Score
Base +6, Qwerty Bam +6, gaburieru-sama +6, fartmastergb -6, Red of EHCOVE +55, Master E +6, aramil31 +6, hexilant -10, GenericDisplayNames +7, justin481844 +7, meep402 -11, superchaos777 +6, Braltewrakcus +10, and 15 more...
Base +6, Qwerty Bam +6, Shemagh +2, Master E +6, aramil31 +6, hexilant -10, GenericDisplayNames +7, justin481844 +7, meep402 -11, ToaKraka +7, anonbj +7, matias067 +6, kemono69 -9, and 6 more...
Base +6, hexilant -10, GenericDisplayNames +7, justin481844 +7, meep402 -11, kemono69 -9, Kaleidoskop +6, SSJ Wiggy +7, Chup@Cabra +6, fantasticunimportant -5, Gredog -2
Posted on 07 December 2021, 22:02 by:
Hectotane Score
Base +7, hexilant -10, justin481844 +7, kemono69 -9, Kaleidoskop +6, fantasticunimportant +5
Posted on 07 December 2021, 22:55 by:
mlkio Score
Base +16, hexilant -10, GenericDisplayNames +7, justin481844 +7, meep402 -11, Urb4timebra +6, matias067 +6, kemono69 -9, Confirm_security +5, ierrul6 +4, Kaleidoskop +6, SSJ Wiggy -7, ael_Excelcis -6, and 5 more...
Base +6, GenericDisplayNames +7, justin481844 +7, meep402 -11, cadechinelo +6, hexilant -10, xxn00bxx +6, kemono69 -9, SSJ Wiggy -7, ael_Excelcis -6, fantasticunimportant -5, Gredog -2, AmoiCunPerghh -6, and 3 more...
Base +6, justin481844 +7, meep402 -11, ToaKraka +7, hexilant -10, matias067 +6, kemono69 -9, Kaleidoskop +6, SSJ Wiggy -7, ael_Excelcis -6, fantasticunimportant -5, Gredog -2, AmoiCunPerghh -6, and 3 more...
Posted on 07 December 2021, 23:56 by:
Forgunia Score
Base +7, SerpreS +6, meep402 +11, GreenIN +6, cadechinelo +6, suratkabar +15, hexilant -10, jeof96 +7, 8050 +6, ken1009 +8, matias067 +6, kemono69 +9, ierrul6 +4, and 17 more...
Base +3, meep402 -11, NightmareXHunter +6, superchaos777 +6, hexilant -10, SaiMasterFag -6, GenericDisplayNames +7, matias067 +6, kemono69 -9, SSJ Wiggy -7, ael_Excelcis -6, fantasticunimportant -5, Gredog -2, and 3 more...
Base +8, NightmareXHunter +6, hexilant -10, Braltewrakcus +10, 8050 +6, matias067 +6, kemono69 -9, ierrul6 +4, animadversion +6, Kaleidoskop +6, SSJ Wiggy -7, ael_Excelcis -6, fantasticunimportant -5, and 2 more...
Posted on 08 December 2021, 09:41 by:
Faonir Score
Base +7, GenericDisplayNames +7, hexilant -10, matias067 +6, kemono69 -9, Kaleidoskop +6, SSJ Wiggy -7, ael_Excelcis -6, OogaChaka +6, fantasticunimportant -5, Gredog -2, AmoiCunPerghh -6, BarretXIII -7
Base +11, fantasticunimportant +5
Base +6, kemono69 +9, ierrul6 +4, +6, nibelounge +5, suratkabar +15, SSJ Wiggy +7, TommyTime +6, jere512 +6, XLS1 +8, BlackZaku +7, ael_Excelcis +6, newtype711 +6, and 8 more...
Base +6, ael_Excelcis -6, OogaChaka +6, fantasticunimportant +5
Base +6, ael_Excelcis -6, Zelzar +6, Dyuoron -7, OogaChaka +6, fantasticunimportant +5, Gredog -2, a7r0ci7y +6, Hetzel +6