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(C84) [STUDIO TRIUMPH (Mutou Keiji)] Astral Bout Ver.25 (Shingeki no Kyojin) [English] [Okono99]

(C84) [STUDIO TRIUMPH (むとうけいじ)] アストラルバウト Ver.25 (進撃の巨人) [英訳]

Posted:2021-12-09 18:51
Language:English  TR
File Size:14.00 MiB
Length:25 pages
Favorited:393 times
Average: 4.30

Showing 1 - 25 of 25 images

Posted on 12 October 2022, 14:47 by:   rsx205    PM
Score +28
ok this is reaching rewrite territory but going to tag rough TL because of your credits page

you misunderstood the author's note. He was talking to someone who brought up how Eren hasn't had any sexual experience yet which sparked the idea for this doujin. And as a side note at the end he mentions toning down the abs

OG: やはりエレンはまだ精通もきていない!というか知識すらゼロ私がきっちりと体に教え込んでおかないと、いつ誰にひどい目に遭うかもわからない!いいや、ひどい目に遭う!
TL: "Eren is not there yet! Or have zero knowledge about sex or love. I'll have to theach[sic] this the body well. You still don't know what is love and who loves you badly!"
ED: "Just as I thought, Eren still hasn't had his first ejaculation yet! I guess he doesn't know a thing about it. If I don't train his body properly, he could have an awful experience at the hands of anyone! No, he's going to suffer!"

OG: それに男女の知識もないのにがっちりおっ立てているということは…やはりエレンは私のことが好きといっこともうここは私がすべて導いてあげるしかない!それがエレインのだめ!
TL: "I'm not sure if he has any knowledge of men and women, but I'm sure I have a lot of knowledge of men and women. I'm not sure about doing it, but I have to do it! After all, Eren likes me a little. I have no choice but to lead everything here! That's for Eren's sake!"
ED: "And the fact that Eren's rock hard even though doesn't know anything about sexuality means that...he likes me after all."

OG: こ、これは違うんだ!さっきからなんか痛くて
TL: "This is different!!!"
ED: "Th-, This isn't normal! It's been hurting for a while."

OG: そんな目で見ないでくれぇ―!お、俺は今、変なんだ!
TL: "Stop being silly Eren! There is nothing wrong with you right now!"
ED: "Don't look at me like that! Something's weird is going on with me right now!" completely wrong speaker and text

OG: 聞いていない
TL: "I won't hear you"
ED: "Not listening"

OG: 訓練が終わった直後にお前がここに拉致ってきたんだろうが!
TL: "She must have abducted me here right after our training was over and I fell asleep because of exhaustion."
ED: "You're the one who kidnapped me and brought me here right after I finished training!" He's not thinking about her here, he's speaking directly to her

OG: 恥垢もたまっている
TL: "I can tell there is a huge amount of semen building up inside"
ED: smegma, not semen

OG: もう勘弁してくださいー!
TL: "Please forgive me already! Don't do this. It feels wrong!!!"
ED: "Give me a break already--!" with the intent being that he's fed up with this

OG: 大丈夫、私が…
TL: "It's all right. I'll always save you from your pain. ♥"
ED: "It's alright. I'll just..."

OG: うわあああぁぁぁっ!
TL: "Ohh..Mikasa, you are not your self right now!"
ED: "Uwaaaaah!"

OG: ほらキレイになった…
TL: "Mikasa are you okey?? Let go of me..."
ED: "There, all clean..."

OG: や、やめろってミカサ!俺の体、今何かおかしいんだ!!
TL: "No, no Mikasa! There's something wrong with my body right now! My penis is getting bigger somehow! It's really sensitive!"
ED: "St-, stop it Mikasa! Right now, there's something weird going on with my body!!"

so much more made up text throughout the whole thing including sfx
Last edited on 12 October 2022, 17:35.

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