Base +6, Alaephant +7, ken1009 +8, The Black Nokka +11, T6CCXOrE16Wy +9, gigif +5, Ac3 +6, poseidon55 +6, Captian Katsura +7, Not Benedict +6, Slarka +6, Entei Nevermore +6, GearZeroSky +20, and 2 more...
Base +6, NKDJ_XSM +4, avalonn +1, pipimonster +6, fhy12345678 +4, brfx +1, jjejshs +1, bluewindy +2
Base +8, Ancient-Alien -19, fabiopenz -6, Kurisu_Makise -6, akanameTL -3, Slarka -6, Alaephant -7, tonyxxx +7, SexyApples -6, Jokepop -2, bluewindy +3, IS IRIS -6
Base +6, Slarka +8, Cadavrus +6
Posted on 04 May 2022, 15:17 by:
Yzrsz123 Score
Base +5