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[Ratcha] Hidden Gems

Posted:2021-12-16 13:49
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Posted on 16 December 2021, 17:27 by:   aelomentis    PM
Score -18
Ratcha usually makes some decent content and comics, but this is... pretty messed up.

Non-consensual sex is not cool.

Edit: apparently Ratcha made this on commission, and agrees that rape is not cool. Quote from the last page comment section on FA:
"First, this is a commission and the topic is not chosen by me, I am a hand for sale here. Second, This is not a fetish game for the characters. Rape is ugly and horrible and i wanted to reflect it here."

I only hope people refrain from asking artists to make this kind of content in the future. Some kinks should be shamed.
Posted on 16 December 2021, 18:08 by:   Pseudo-Nim    PM
Score +127
Pecunia non olet.

High moral ground is pretty meaningless when your freezer is empty, and bills are hanging over your head.

Was going to point out the commission situation, but read up to your edit before that, so.
And, shaming kinks or not, there is a clear and obvious line between fantasizing of something, and actually doing the deed.
About 95% of non-vanilla content on this site is criminally pursuable out there, in our drab reality. And "vanilla" really should be kept in quotation marks - for, say, NTR, technically, is usually a-ok on the law side of things, but morally reprehensible to quite a degree, for example.
And less thought put in analyzing the furry corner of the Web, the better. Perhaps, for everyone.

Anecdotically, I remember supposed story of one "The Fear", who drew art full of torture and incestual rape. It was his only outlet for dark desires in his soul, you see. Then, his wife found out, and he was forced to stop. But darkness never went avay, it just became bottled up inside his mind, slowly building up the pressure. Who knows what happens when emergency valve, now tighlty closed, would - inevitably, mind you - not be able to keep that pressure in check. And with sorry state of modern mental medicine there will be, most probably, no outside help.

Teal deer - let them dream, if it keeps them in check. Help thouse who need help. Erase thouse who reject it.

EDIT: removed some typos, and such. Because I'm anal-retentive like that.
Last edited on 17 December 2021, 00:24.
Posted on 16 December 2021, 18:48 by:   balloondraw    PM
Score +27
Wonder if the commissioner wanted it like that or if Ratcha decided to make it sad because it involved rape since he said "and I wanted to reflect it here." If the latter, then I wouldn't be very happy as the commissioner.

Also, the weird switching between holes off-screen doesn't flow well and just comes off as inconsistent
Posted on 16 December 2021, 19:51 by:   RobDollar    PM
Score +72
I love the variety of "Hey! Rape's not good!" comments here. Too often there will be a comic about cucking that most readers aren't going to feel comfortable reading about, they'll express said discomfort, and some dumbass will come along and say "you'll comment about how wrong THIS is, but not things like rape?? ha ha! yoo iz insecure!!!" Good job, guys. Keep calling out EVERYTHING that's morally reprehensible.

As for Ratcha just doing a job; if ever you read this, I sincerely hope you get to the point where commissions are more plentiful, allowing you to pick and choose the jobs you want to do. You're an excellent artist and storyteller, and you shouldn't have to do work like this.
Posted on 17 December 2021, 01:59 by:   Project_Demise    PM
Score +32
That escalated quickly.
Posted on 17 December 2021, 03:30 by:   Dr.Dank    PM
Score +124
I'm fucking sorry but this is on ex not e-
If you're here to kinkshame you've come to literally the worst possible place
Posted on 17 December 2021, 08:35 by:   hentailover223    PM
Score +12
he is soooo getting castrated for that
Posted on 17 January 2022, 18:56 by:   AhumanRS    PM
Score -100
" Edit: apparently Ratcha made this on commission, and agrees that rape is not cool. Quote from the last page comment section on FA:
"First, this is a commission and the topic is not chosen by me, I am a hand for sale here. Second, This is not a fetish game for the characters. Rape is ugly and horrible and i wanted to reflect it here.""

Fuck that, Ratcha should have doubled down by saying "You guys literally masturbate to depictions of animals with human characteristics. Do you really have a problem with someone commissioning me to do rape content?"
Posted on 23 February 2022, 20:43 by:   Vodhr    PM
Score +37
Obligatory; "Hey, I am not really liking the subject mater".

But... yea, it is a commision... we don't know Ratchas economic situation, so he may need to take the commisions he is requested.
Shitty part about life, which is a pill I have a really hard time swallowing, "you sometimes have to do what you do not like to put food on the table".

But at the very least, I think it is a good thing that this does cause such a huge upproar, it is good to see that - yes, even if it is a fantasy for some - that it can spark a lot of anger, as the real thing is an inexcusable act of cruelty...
If anything, going against my very negative, initial reaction. I think Ratcha did a very good job in evoking the feeling, the brutality, the helplessess of it.
And also touching on the age old debate about "she was just asking for it", as she is clearly a very sexually active woman, and very flashy in her atire... that doesn't mean it is a free invitation to use her - or anyones - body for your own gain/pleasure.

So at the end of the day, I would say I am sad that Ratcha did decide to do this commision as he usually are a much more comedic, and happy toned artist. But at the same time, I think he did it about as good as he could have done it.
There are certainly books, movies and comics that touch on subjects that is uncomfortable for many us - but it should not be wrong to depict them to raise awarness - as I feel Ratcha tried to do here.
I mean, I dunno if this came out the way the commissioner wanted it to be, but if I am not misstaken, it is common practice to draw the sketch art first, and approve with the client to see if they approve and move on to finilize and colour the draft.
So I must assume that the commissioner of this peice has at the very least approved of the tone Ratcha went for. :S

And, a bit more as a P.S for just thinknig about it.

There is A LOT of "aphrodisiac" or similar porn out there. Doesn't that sort of fall under the rape tag? A person is intoxicated/drugged with phermones/chemicals or whatnot to get them in the mood where they can not say no? The diffirentiating factor usually becomes the "tone" of the art.
At the top of my head, this made me think of a decent chunk of comics that I have enjoyed where they could very resonably be argued, involved rape, even if the tone of the comic made it seem as if it was more consensual or, enjoyable by both parties.

There are a lot of other art that is also considered inexcusable acts of moral crimes, that we have gotten used to as "simple fantasies"...
Certainly there are fetishes that are hugely disturbing (I was at first not thinking of pointing fingers but... I can not in a good conscious not mention how disturbed I am by guro...)

Not really meant to point fingers (except at Guro... because damn....) just a bit of a thought experiment of the things we enjoy.
Posted on 24 February 2022, 02:46 by:   Orel_SS_Corp    PM
Score -82
He's a hypocrite then, firstly he states how bad it's and how much he disagree with it, yet he have taken the commission and did it anyway.
It's ironic that he went with "there are kinks that should be shamed" and how bad he feels about kinks like that, and then he just did it. He's like the left wingers/wokeists, he would probably go and cancel any artist who would do the exact same thing he's doing, in worse circumstances than he currently is. Probably, since nobody can really tell how his life is looking right now. And even if he would be starving, that still doesn't make him less of a hypocrite.

This is the mine field he himself decided to walk willingly into, instead of just saying as it is... This is work of fiction, like a movie or a game. Therefore nobody is getting harmed.
Yet he decided to claim high ground and condemn it as morally evil, immediately tripping over by taking said commission and rolling down from said high ground and falling on his face.
You assume that he isn't a hypocrite like the crowd he's trying to appease. In my opinion his actions prove him to be just like the people who criticize him.
I enjoy some of his work, but after this debacle, I will simply respect him as artist, yet condemn him for his opportunistic double standards, and breaking the rules he, on his own, had set for himself.

>High moral ground is pretty meaningless when your freezer is empty, and bills are hanging over your head.
If you are only willing to keep up with your beliefs and principles, if the life is going well for you, and you are willing to throw all of them out of a window the moment the dark clouds will start to surround you, then you have no spine and should be a pariah, exiled from any kind of self respecting group that want to survive.
Because you simply can't count on people like that, and can be sure that they will betray you and do any kind of horrific things to you or your closest ones the moment it will benefit them.

>But at the very least, I think it is a good thing that this does cause such a huge upproar, it is good to see that that it can spark a lot of anger, as the real thing is an
>inexcusable act of cruelty...
Just as movies that depict war crimes, war at all, violence and so on. Yet the principle is, it's just a fiction so it's fine.
This isn't any different, and people like you should at least grow some spine, and stand on the principles that you preach out to others.
You either condemn all art that depict any kind of disturbing topics even if it's in the fantasy land like the puritans of old, or you will subscribe to the principle that if something is not real and just an artistic/entertainment's depiction of already mentioned, then it's fine.
> yes, even if it is a fantasy for some
Oh so you consider these drawings to be alive and real? Maybe you should visit a specialists, but maybe that can be avoided, I have news for you man. These drawings, and the movies, comics, hentai, tv series and books in which people do bad things... These things are not REAL.
If that don't help and you still have problems with determining what's real and what is not, then I have serious advice for you, you need to go to a psychiatrist before it will get worse, and you will hurt someone real, to "protect" a drawing of a female, or whatever other harmful actions you may do if a mental episode will occur.

>And also touching on the age old debate about "she was just asking for it", as she is clearly a very sexually active woman, and very flashy in her atire... that doesn't mean it is a free invitation to use her - or >anyones - body for your own gain/pleasure.
Here we have another claim that is a joke, "it's bad to assume a female's desires and intentions based on her attire or actions, yet it's totally fine when we do the same to males".
Not only that but this "argument" went to more extreme lengths and the former claim "it's bad even if it's fiction" was added to it, resulting in a ban of any kind of sexual depiction of females or/and outright making females ugly on purpose, because apparently these fake, drawn or animated females have feelings too, and we can't assume they would want to be "used for somebody is gain or pleasure".
The other "argument" is that these depiction of females set unreal beauty standard, which is as stupid as your other claims, yet sadly it is wholehearthly embraced by western entertainment industry.
Yet again, it's totally fine if you do this to males... Since we men both real and the ones from fantasy are fine to be used for female's "gain or pleasure" and there is no problem with setting an unreal beauty standard either.

This is the world people like you are creating. Tell me, how long do you think, such an unjust system can last before collapsing upon itself?
Because entertainment is just a small part of what people like you brought upon us, not to mention more important matters like economy and legalized theft sometimes called redistribution.
But i won't get on full political essay on a porn site, so I will just stop here.

Most people of this generation are bunch of hypocrites without any consistency in their beliefs and no moral code/principles to stand on. I don't say you need to subscribe to somebody else's morality, you may live by your own, but at least stand your ground on something, instead of slippery slope slide, like the author of this hentai, who preached how bad it is, yet somehow he was absolutely fine with making it the moment somebody showed him the pile of money for making the kind of hentai he was proclaiming to be so against.
Last edited on 24 February 2022, 04:27.
Posted on 24 February 2022, 19:39 by:   Vodhr    PM
Score +59
You really like to misinterpret, or assume a lot of shit, don't you?
Speaking as if you have the moral hight ground when being so damn good to just "make up" words that we said things we litteraly did not?

>Here we have another claim that is a joke, "it's bad to assume a female's desires and intentions based on her attire or actions, yet it's totally fine when we do the same to males".

Never said no such idiotic sexist comment that it is okay if it happene to a male!
I said; "that doesn't mean it is a free invitation to use her - or anyones - body for your own gain/pleasure." this applies to ANYONE, any gender, you damn illiterate moron...

>Not only that but this "argument" went to more extreme lengths and the former claim "it's bad even if it's fiction" was added to it

I never said it is bad even if it is fiction, you illiterate baboon - the closes thing I said was that the subject matter can be hard for certain people.

I would keep arguing, I have more to say to you.
But it is clear that you are quite disturbed, and really have a problem with taking your own views, and adding those to anyone here. Going so far as taking words WE DID NOT SAY IN ANY WAY, and shoving those down our throat harder than a tentacle in a hentai...

I would urge you to seek help, as you certainly have a projection problem.
Maybe even a little delusional with the sheer amount of blatant shit you make up on the spot that people have said, even when it was clearly stated the complete opposite...

So go get yourself some help...
Or - which is more likely as you will not accept you have a problem - you can fuck of.
Care not for whichever you choose, as long as you get of the internet and never set your foot in it again.
Posted on 24 February 2022, 22:06 by:   Orel_SS_Corp    PM
Score -62
>You really like to misinterpret, or assume a lot of shit, don't you?
>Speaking as if you have the moral hight ground when being so damn good to just "make up" words that we said things we litteraly did not?
I didn't make anything up you damn faggot
>Never said no such idiotic sexist comment that it is okay if it happene to a male!
>I said; "that doesn't mean it is a free invitation to use her - or anyones - body for your own gain/pleasure." this applies to ANYONE, any gender, you damn illiterate moron...
Then look in the mirror retard, because the last time I've checked wearing clothes don't justified rape, your whole rhetoric fails and it's pointless. Raping is fucking illegal, you pink haired idiot in every fucking country of the first world. I am just pointing out, that idiots that follow your ideology only scream if it happens to a female. Also shove that sexist buzzword back in your ass, from where you pulled it initially.

>I never said it is bad even if it is fiction, you illiterate baboon - the closes thing I said was that the subject matter can be hard for certain people.
You were outright approving of the outrage that leads to cancelation of anything with these tags you dumb fuck, don't pretend you don't know what usually happens when enough of you land whales will whine about some pice of art, game or tv show.
>But it is clear that you are quite disturbed, and really have a problem with taking your own views, and adding those to anyone here. Going so far as taking words WE DID NOT SAY IN ANY WAY
I addressed the points people like you usually have, but k.
>I would urge you to seek help, as you certainly have a projection problem.
Said a retard offended by fucking drawings. Once again, go seek psychiatric help.
>Care not for whichever you choose, as long as you get of the internet and never set your foot in it again.
How about you follow your own advice moron, because I will stay as long as I want, and there is shit you can do about it.
Posted on 08 March 2022, 13:05 by:   AhumanRS    PM
Score +12

He should have stood by his work. He should hold conviction.

It's just strange to me that the same people who think that animals with human like characteristics, anthropomorphic animals, are hot, but also think that a 'rape fetish' should be shamed. I know many people who have rape fetishes, not that they want to rape or be raped. Mostly women. Why are the furries all high and mighty now? Why is masturbating to non-human animals fine, but rape is evil?

I am not trying to glorify rape, but it's not rational to see one as better than the other.

"I only hope people refrain from asking artists to make this kind of content in the future. Some kinks should be shamed."

This is irrational. If you truly think this, you live in a convoluted bubble.

Here, you guys should also go cry in this one /g/1397675/8edf7a7930/ It's rape too.

Not only is it rape, but it's an anthropomorphic animal raping an animal.

No no, animals and anthropomorphic animals are alright, apparently. You could never go wrong there. Wait, RAPE? Ah man, that's too far.

"So at the end of the day, I would say I am sad that Ratcha did decide to do this commision"

Fucking why? At the end of my day, I am sad that Ratcha draws animals fucking eachother for us to masturbate to.

"as he usually are a much more comedic, and happy toned artist. But at the same time, I think he did it about as good as he could have done it."

Why are you pitying him? Oh man, poor ratcha has to draw porn again. God forbid he has to give into another commissioner's fetish. I only want him to do my fetish. My anthropomorphic animal fetish. My anthropomorphic red riding hood raping a wolf fetish. Yeah. But not a rape fetish like this...that's sick.

These people get so whiney and bitchy and butthurt about everything. I should commission Ratcha 5 grand to make a 5 page hentai about a anthropomorphic guy who rapes a rat. Blood and guts everywhere. I would say "then you guys would have something to cry about", but unlike Ratcha I'll stand by myself: You may think rape is terrible and furry porn is fine, but you know there is someone out there who thinks furry porn is terrible but rape porn is fine. This is what porn is for. So people can indulge on their fetishes, fantasies, kinks, wants, outside the realm of reality. A hentai with rape should not end your world.
Last edited on 09 March 2022, 16:54.
Posted on 06 April 2022, 21:39 by:   SeanJohn220    PM
Score -44
Y'all sum babby dick faggots. This just got me off.
Posted on 01 May 2022, 13:31 by:   Agiantpansy    PM
Score +49
Rape aside, first pics kinda odd too. doubt many girls would be cool with a guy borrowing there dildo and shoving it up there ass, sextoy's aren't something you really borrow and return...
Posted on 25 January 2024, 20:28 by:   Pecan Crisp    PM
Score +18

Ratcha wasn't the one who said some kinks should be shamed. That was all Aelomentis. Hence why it isn't in quotes.

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