Part 1 ---- Drones - understood as biological beings that are almost completely deprived of their own will and configured for remote control or operation based on set rules - are, generally speaking, forbidden. Their production is prosecuted, regardless of who is to serve as a host - this includes "Savages*". This is due to the fact that this activity is considered highly cruel and in most cases the same functions can be performed by a mechanical unit. The advantages of biological "robots" are negligible and are considered as an viable option only when, due to various reasons, they may come down to be much cheaper than mechanical alternative
Nevertheless, there are federations of sectors where such practices are allowed - economically, it is simply a cheaper practice than producing robots or buying them from unions. In this context, moral concerns are quickly dismissed into the background. Drones produced in sectors where this practice is legal are often allowed to be used (but not resold) in places where it is against the law to create them, which is why they can be found in virtually every corner of the galaxy, though this is not seen as a positive development.
In any case, drone hosts are species that are considered "Savage*", especially those that don't easily submit to mind control or mind altering - these methods are much more subtle than dronification because they don't rely on complete restriction (or elimination) of free will and thinking. Most often the process begins with capturing a host and transporting them to a special compound, often located on a ship orbiting the savage world from which the slaves are sourced. If the planet happens to have an abundance of species ideally suited for the dronification process, it can be expanded to become a permanent facility.
The hosts are placed in special chambers in a state of sleep. During the conversion they often wake up, but being under the influence of heavy drugs they have no idea what is happening - their condition is constantly monitored so that it was at least in the minimum degree humane.
An example of the unfortunate is Alia - Avian who, like many others, was kidnapped from her home planet. Although, as a precaution, all "candidates" are supervised by the operating machine, in this case the female did not resist, but passively watched the process. One of the first actions is to secure all openings in the body of the host. In this case, as in most of females, a c-string was used, which can be removed by its future owner. The tool, which enters the vagina at a shallow depth, is used mainly for hygiene reasons, though it can also be used for stimulation if Alia were to be intended for such use. Drones are often programmed to be used for this purpose. In addition to the genital "maintanance" device, a buttplug is also used, again primarily for sexual-hygienic purposes, though it may remain permanently in the host's body given that drones don't feed in the normal way - smart-latex takes care of those physiological needs and, depending on the model, may need to be recharged to keep the host (and thus itself) alive.
In the case of Alia, the next step was to get rid of the wings - Drones by definition should be unified so that from the outside you can't tell them apart. For this purpose, dimensional rings are used which "teleport" wings to another place. The most important tool, appearing in every case, is Spinelink** version Y - as opposed to the regular one, it is definitely more protruding and invasive, the precision of the installation is not so important here and the tool itself is less subtle in it's action - Spinelink Y becomes the main place where the processes of controlling movement or balance take place - it practically takes over the duties of the brainstem. Before this happens, however, on the back of Spinelink Y there are chambers with a large amouth of anesthetics that can quickly eliminate the "discomfort" during the operation until the device itself is connected to the host and can completely control what one feels.
The next stage is to give a tattoo on the body of the host, it serves mainly for identification in case the latex for some reason came off the body (Most often deactivation). The tattoo will also remain on the body after the full assimilation of the host with smart latex. The form of the "signature" itself is arbitrary, most often barcodes are used but equally often logos are used, for example, of manufacturers or system of origin.
Part 2 ---- The next step is to bring the potential drone to the appropriate mental leve, although during the procedure the slave is under the influence of strong narcotics that are able to dull her senses enough to make her unable to properly sturggle; it is not an optimal long-term solution. The use of hypnotic screens makes it possible to temporarily bring the mental level down to a "target level" for the drone. While this procedure is usually difficult to perform on avians, it becomes relatively easy with the aforementioned substances and Spinelink.
While the action of the screen itself cannot permanently modify the mind of a potential Drone, the Y-type Spinelink registers the temporary mental state and then forces the body to maintain it, at first through the appropriate compounds it can produce and apply, and in the long run remodeling the brain's structure to produce a permanent effect.
Alia was initially interested in the screen, but once it began working her mind quickly went into a trance. She was not, however, a special case when it came to this procedure - the screen worked on her quickly and the only abnormality was silent whispering while the screen worked on her mind - such situations occur in about 17.3% of the procedures performed.
From the beginning of the procedure, Alia's body was being slowly covered with Smart-Latex, a substance that feels like latex but has additional functions. This material is used as a "clothing" for drones, mainly due to the unified appearance that deprives them of any diversity. The uniform appearance of all regardless of species is one of the main characteristics. The only aspect that can distinguish individuals is the barcode, although this too is barely visible. Also, at the beginning of the application of the substance, you can see how the color of the plumage breaks through the color of the latex giving it a bluish tint. This situation occurs in the initial phase of the process - until the latex patches fuse together and form a single layer about 0.25mm thick that covers her entire body. The material is resistant to cuts caused by standard blades but remains soft under pressure. One of the main functions is to maintain/nourish the host body - and Spinelink is needed to coordinate this process. Due to the lack of need for nourishment, the anus is permanently covered by the plug, as is the vagina, although it can be accessed by removing parts of the Overlay*.
* -
Part 3 ---- Over time, Alia's body is completely covered in latex and the color of her feathers has taken on a darker shade. At this stage there is only one last step missing - the installation of a visor on her head. The most common visors completely cover the face of a drone which takes away any form of individuality - these solutions are used especially by corporations that buy drones on a mass scale. However, drones are also sold to retail customers, and in this case customization is a popular solution as plenty of owners change appearance and body type as the see fit. This is also the case of Alia, whose breasts and hips have been modified at the request of the customer and her head remained mostly uncovered
Given that she is avian, a version of the visor was used which is more like a muzzle - this one is equpied with screens on both sides, they emit sequences of images that keep Alia in a continuous trance, combined with the Spinelink, this allows for absolute certainty that she will not break out of control even in heated situations. the last line of control is the latex itself, it's capable of controlling her movements to a certain extent.
The only thing that crosses Alia's mind are imaginations of her submission and the role she has to play - the whole device is designed to make her accustomed to new position - rewarding her with doses of pleasure, making sure that, over time, she will become more obedient. Anomalies in which the drone gains consciousness and regains temporary control over its body are practically non-existent after 3 months of normal use. Within a year drone should achieve it's peak performance capabilities.
Finally, after diganostics Alia will be ready for shipping - In retail cases sometimes the owners themselves review and collect the drone, but most often they are packed to pods and shipped to their destination