This series is inspired by fantasy, not real live experiences. The series is expected to include about 20 works. If you like our manga, please follow us on Twitter: For more works, you can follow us on Pixiv: And you can support us on Patreon to get 4K resolution version of the work: Thank you for your support. We will continue to update in both Chinese and English.
Actually, when I was a student we had a lot of Chinese girls studying with us and most of them quickly tried to fuck white guys, giving them presents and get on dates with them. Two told me they felt they're my soul mate and would like to meet in private. I had a gf back then and said no, but the way their horny eyes looked at me didn't make it easy!
I know some of my friends fucked a few of them though, not in such a gangbang fashion though! I think the most was one girl who got DPed by two of my tall class mates.
So there's some fantasy, but it's closer to reality than you'd think!