Second: Has anyone out there seen the 'Super-Hero Girls" cartoon? In it you have Tweenage versions of many of the DC Super-Heroines (and some of the Super-Villains, like Harley Quinn) in a 'High School' where Amanda Waller is the Principal..... and Gorilla Grodd is the Vice Principal?!?!
I had two thoughts on that: First, the kinky thought of Gorilla Grodd, who is attracted to human females, suddenly finds himself surrounded by Tweenage versions of all the Super-Heroines who have ever defeated him.... did I mention he has Mind Control Powers? ^_^
The second thought was more 'normal': Amanda Waller catches him, puts a bomb in his skull, and tells him he is now a member of her Suicide Squad. He asks her "Okay, who do you want me to kill?" She says "No one; I want you to be the vice principal of a bunch of moody, emotional, super-powered Teenage Girls" Grodd: "For the Love of God, Waller! Anything but THAT!!!!!!" ^_^
Come on, can you imagine a Tweenage Big Barda having Cramps for the first time? 0_0