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(C96) [Rakugaki Ippentou (Kagiana)] Warui Onnanoko (K-ON!)

(C96) [らくがき一辺倒 (鍵穴)] わるいおんなのこ (けいおん!)

cgc  PM
Posted:2021-12-26 15:01
Visible:No (Expunged)
File Size:1.06 MiB
Length:25 pages
Favorited:5 times
Average: 0.86

Showing 1 - 25 of 25 images

Posted on 26 December 2021, 15:01 by:   cgc    PM
Uploader Comment
Posted on 28 December 2021, 01:11 by:   Moonlight Rambler    PM
Score +14
Please stop ruining art.
You've chosen to become a villain when you could easily have been a hero.
Why do you waste your time (and everybody else's) like this?
You made your point. Over a year ago. So some chinese scanlators who bitched about quality on your old scans (which were fine in my opinion, before you started doing this), and you wanted to teach a lesson. Cool, you made your point.
You'd made your point by the end of July 2020.

But here we are, a year and a half later, and you're still going at it. All you're doing now is making people hate your guts.

If you really have THAT much spite for some people who complained, if your skin is really THAT thin, you have no business on the internet and should just stop coming here. On the other hand, if you want to be a nice person and share with others, then stop fucking doing this. it accomplishes nothing and wastes time and space for everyone.

So, here's some points of my own:
1) A lot of people don't even know or remember why you started doing this. To them, you just look like a dick.
2) Most of the people who do remember how this shit started think you're no longer justified in doing this. It's no longer making a statement, or defending yourself; you made your point over a year ago. So, as I (and many others) see it, you're just a dick.
3) Per points 1 and 2, the only thing most people know and remember about you now is that you are a complete and total dick. If you want that to be your legacy, good job.

You could even be liked by a majority of the people on this site, and be one of the most valued uploaders, because you scan a ton of stuff. You clearly have a lot of time and dedication. But instead you'd rather be hated by pretty much everyone. Why?

If your goal is to make the world just a little colder, then you have succeeded. Congratulations.

So yeah. You definitely "so suck." And you're a dick. But you already know that.
Posted on 28 December 2021, 02:34 by:   Deffun    PM
Score +9
Let me get this one thing clear.
I have no problem with you uploading these deliberatedly made to be low quality galleries.
Jeez, I wonder how I know they are low quality.

But I have a big problem with you keep spamming these by characters dozens at a time like this.
As I said, you are destroying character tags and parody tags. And that helps no body at all.

I also had a time try my hands on scanlation, I know how hard it is to do this.
But isn't resizing all the images then plaster "low quality" over them extra work?
Why do you have to go through all that trouble proving something those you want to get back at don't even care but gets you more enemies when you can just quit?
Like how Lolicept deleted all his old accounts and works just because some stuff pieces of shit antagonize him, you can just quit or go to another user submited site to do what you like instead of this annoyance.

But whatever float your boats.
You had many great galleries before this kind of stuff, but now you are just being an annoyance.
I won't ask you to stop ruining these galleries,

At least, don't spam them dozen at a time.
Killing those who weren't related doesn't help your cause. AT ALL!

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