Base +7, undsound +6, Dog。 +6, zy_www +2, MING SHIAW +7, mzmzmzm +6, novamxf +6, ezrust +6, Veders +6, bengbeng802 +6, wl01962651 +13, iiotokoA +15, r1270 +18, and 2 more...
Posted on 03 January 2022, 16:15 by:
iType Score
Base +6, ghy2216 -5, xklolikk -6, Autherrice +6, lingdian17001 -5, 德律风 -2, tfluan0606 +6, babooms -6, taiwaohya -6, escort_ss -4, 947248840 -6, sgtpepper1967 -5, qq7788 -2, and 29 more...
Posted on 03 January 2022, 19:12 by:
zxwy Score
Base +6, s17676123439 +6, VoidCRI +6, a373578807 +6, thedemacia -6, Naixi_Chen +6, mooncell123 -5, Kaotheold +6, 黄金胖次 +6, teriri00 +6, mzmzmzm +6, moenoshiki +6, novamxf +6, and 9 more...
Base +2, Veders +6, liuxuming3303 +16, 捕风者烈龙 +6