Base +8, Haborym -7, skidkid -6, roadkillfish -6, tiamat234 -7, Nuuum99 -7, Myzer -10, AnswerIsAlwayMiata -7, Ultraine -6, Riku351 -6, Pooplord -6, DollButton -6, Devonic -6, and 13 more...
Posted on 14 January 2022, 03:00 by:
Blake81 Score
Base +13, tiamat234 +7, Nuuum99 +7, Myzer +10, Dace Vigilance +8, DollButton +6, Devonic +6, nonexistant one +6, tadpolegaming +6, vindooger +8, ArXyn +6, Mr Fappa +6, whoever560 +6, and 6 more...
Base +8, Dace Vigilance -8, animanera89 -7, skidkid -6, Ballbaggus -6, DollButton -6, Devonic -6, nonexistant one -6, Metasin -6, FreakyMadaraki -9, tadpolegaming -6, DuskXIII -6, vindooger -8, and 8 more...