Seriously why bother - is a place for stories which have sexual elements to it - I don't typically include sexual things in my stories, so they are not even slightly Hentai!
It is nice that you like to share my stuff JackSGC - but please don't bother. If people want to see my stuff they can go to the FREE locations to find it (DA, my site, or TGComics) - stop posting on here where people are not really that interested in Non-Sex based 3D Art (for example, look at the Ratings)!
Hell being Free it isn't even like you are stealing, you are just reposting my stuff, so people give it negative ratings and feedback.
I mean - this has 9 ratings on this with 1 star - what is that telling you - stop wasting people's time and posting my shit here! And stop taking my work and posting it where it shouldn't be. The day I make a story which has sex in it, and is even close to being Hentai, I will post it myself.