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[Kugatsu Nagatsu] Mukuchi na Koushinchou Joshi no Gyutto Shasei Kanri | Tight Edging from a Tall Girl of Few Words [English] [JasmineTea]

[九月ナガツ] 無口な高身長女子のぎゅっと射精管理 [英訳]

Posted:2022-01-26 02:31
Language:English  TR
File Size:66.49 MiB
Length:75 pages
Favorited:1387 times
Average: 4.58

Showing 1 - 40 of 75 images

Posted on 26 January 2022, 04:53 by:   warlocal    PM
Score +48
This made me hard, but like, hard candy hard, so damn sweet!
Posted on 26 January 2022, 08:32 by:   darkknightx2    PM
Score +13
very appreciated thankyou

raw: /g/2064363/149a61c46a/
Posted on 26 January 2022, 09:36 by:   errata    PM
Score +16
Her pulling his nipples over and using them to tease her own nipples is surprisingly arousing. Cute and arousing.
Posted on 26 January 2022, 11:24 by:   bigstew00    PM
Score +22
glad to see jasmine is back, cant wait for more tall girl/gts content, hope to see a sextext update here
Posted on 27 January 2022, 02:10 by:   ncc1701z    PM
Score +109
editing wise this looks fantastic. reading it is another matter though. felt like the translation is all over the place and incomprehensible although there's nothing wrong grammarwise.
if i know better i'd say this is a bad translation, but i'm very much unqualified so i can't say.
Posted on 27 January 2022, 06:43 by:   nabusco    PM
Score +24
Wholesome 100
Posted on 27 January 2022, 15:28 by:   Aelth    PM
Score +7
Why is there no manl-- err short male tag?
Posted on 28 January 2022, 08:26 by:   Supasang    PM
Score +14
This is unreadable.
Posted on 29 January 2022, 07:47 by:   nanamya    PM
Score +19
>edging in the title
>it mostly happens offscreen
Posted on 29 January 2022, 08:16 by:   Hawk86    PM
Score +29
Jesus this got cute. For the set up I wasn't expecting it to turn into such a lovey dovey story about two people who were outcasts never quite fitting in finding each other.
Posted on 23 February 2022, 06:04 by:   faglordxxx    PM
Score +65
page 10: I want to get your hands out of your throat, original text 「喉から手をだしてもらう」 is just her putting her own spin on the idiom 「喉から手が出る(ほど欲しい)」. What she really means like that is I want you to crave an orgasm like crazy.
Though, reading a bit further, it seems that neither English nor Japanese is the forte of the translation team. Please have a native proofread your stuff, there are a lot of basic grammar mistakes, and you should know that proficiency in the target language (in this case English) is more important than in the original language when it comes to translations.

Ok it's even worse than I thought, page 14 But you aren't writing the report, original text 「別に…報告しないけど」 which conveys I don't care enough to tell on you (of course that's an unnatural way to say it in English, but that's besides the point). This translation is so shit even google translate would have done a better job, I know how much time translation takes (well at least when it's done right) and I'm sorry but that's the truth: this translation is even worse than the trash CGrascal churns out; it's so bad it is closer to a rewrite than a translation.
Last edited on 23 February 2022, 06:22.
Posted on 13 May 2022, 00:27 by:   Badumpo    PM
Score +18
One more , seemingly good work, killed by translation
Posted on 20 May 2022, 08:52 by:   MinscS2    PM
Score +13
Reading this was a... challenge. I finished it and I'm still not really sure what it was all about.

Nothing wrong with the artstyle tho.
Posted on 02 December 2022, 06:14 by:   rsx205    PM
Score +60
OG: さらにはアパレル・宿泊業や映像コンテンツ制作までエロに関わるあらゆる業態を手がけるまでに成長
TL: Although they have some experience in apparel, hospitality, and video content, their experience in the business category of all things adult material is well-established.
ED: it's saying they've grown their business around adult material to other sectors like apparel, hospitality, and video production

OG: そんな悲しそうな顔をするな
TL: --I don't want people to think badly of it
ED: Don't look so sad.

OG: 比奈は人に喜ばれる商品を作りたいんだろ?
TL: I just want to make products that people will enjoy.
ED: You (Hina) just want to make products that delight people, right?

OG: その商品を喉から手が出るほど欲しい / そう思ってくれる人に使用感を聞かせてもらうんだよ
TL: You have to let those who try your works out to understand that you want... / to bring voice to these products with your own two hands.
ED: he wants people who desperately want those kinds of products to tell him how they use them

OG: 喉から…手が出るほど…
TL: To bring voice with these two hands...?
ED: she's repeating the phrase he uses about desperate desire

OG: 温情の異動だ嫌なら辞めてもらってかまわんよ
TL: Let me give you some kind advice. if things get rough, feel free to quit
ED: missing detail about how the personnel shuffle is framed as a kind gesture. also how the superior doesn't care either way

OG: だってこんなところでやっていけるわけがない
TL: Like, it's not just a thing when you're going to this place.
ED: I don't get what you were going for with this line, but he's just saying he has no chance of getting by in this type of place

OG: ウチは商品開発のためならリソース… / 男性を好きに使っていいって性分なんだよねあはは
TL: ...but as we're in 'product creation,' we would need a certain resource... / ...a male who doesn't mind being tried out, that sort of character yes. Ha ha.
ED: she starts off by referring to the men as resources and then corrects herself like We're the type to use our resources... / Use men however we want for the sake of product development

OG: むしろ言い換えて欲しくなかった
TL: Oh wow, do they want to phrase this in a different way.
ED: he's saying he wished she hadn't corrected her phrasing

OG: 流石に全員まとめて相手にすると死んじゃうと思うし / 2ヶ月ごとに入れ替え制にしよっか
TL: True, when the whole staff had their way however, they looked like they died. / So I want to have a two-month switching system
ED: she's still talking about resource allocation, comparing swapping every two months compared to using everything all at once

OG: さっき新人が泣きながら辞表出したって
TL: She just gave a presentation while the new guy cried.
ED: they're saying the new guy submitted a letter of resignation while crying

OG: セックス以上って好評なの
TL: Aside from the sex, how well do you rate it?
ED: along the lines of it having a reputation for being better than sex

OG: 見ての通りです…
TL: It's what I wanted to see
ED: As you can see...

OG: 後で細かく聞かせて
TL: Next I want you to listen closely
ED: Tell me the details later

OG: 喉から手を出してもらう
TL: I want you to get your hands out of your throat.
ED: in your note you recognized that this was related to her senpai's words on pg 3, but you didn't get the meaning of wanting something really bad

OG: まぁあなたも投げ出すんだろうけど
TL: It's just, you seem like you're throwing your--
ED: she's saying that she's sure he'll give up

OG: やっぱりこんなところでやっていけるわけがなかったんだー
TL: So there was a thing behind being sent to this place.
ED: looks like you may have recognized this was a repeat of his words on page 5 but unfortunately you made a mistake back there too

OG: こんなこと続けたら / おかしくなってしまい… / おかしくしたい
TL: Going through all of this... / ...would leave me feeling-- / I want you to feel it.
ED: he's saying he'd go crazy and she wants him to go crazy

OG: 座ってると擦れる…しんどい…
TL: Sitting here, rubbing one out...tiring...I have to bear it and hold out...
ED: he's saying it's hard to sit because it chafes

OG: せんせー気持ちいい?
TL: What a nice feeling, right?
ED: missed detail about her speaking to a teacher

OG: 教え子にこんな事させて
TL: The girl being taught is doing this
ED: the word you're looking for is pupil or student lol

OG: 別に…報告しないけど
TL: But you aren't writing the report
ED: she's saying she won't report it [if he gives up]

OG: …ならできる限り続けます
TL: ...well, I want to see where I end at
ED: kinda loose TL, he's just saying he'll keep going as long as he can

OG: 比奈さんその格好は...
TL: Ms. Hina, what are you--
ED: he's referring to her outfit

OG: オカズ全部見ちゃったでしょ
TL: You've seen all our toys.
ED: not toys necessarily, just fap material

OG: 一応変わりを探したんだけど…
TL: Of course, these are to check for imperfections...
ED: she was trying to find any changes

OG: 雰囲気は悪くない?
TL: ...but in this situation it's not bad no?
ED: she's asking about the ambience

OG: ごめんなさい勃起止められなくて / 生理現象でどうしようもないんです
TL: Sorry about that, Ms. Hina. My boner hasn't been going away. / This reaction doesn't mean anything more.
ED: he's saying it's just a physiological reaction
Posted on 27 October 2024, 01:58 by:   MrBrickles    PM
Score +8
Adapted to JAV in EBOD-983

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