>Massive Character Collection >Sally Acorn >155 images
... You know what is a massive collection? One fanart image for that one cat lady from "The Cat's House". Because it is that obscure. To the point of one image being massive. Sally Acorn, though - no so much: EH quite literally has more galleries of her than you has images in your gallery, OP. So, *doubt* on the "massive" part, so far.
EDIT: Also, my dear snowflake OP, you probably should be very careful about updating this imageset gallery. You see, "A gallery updated more than twice per 30 days" may be considered "excessive bumping", which is a valid reason for expunging. Exceptions for this rule are: "Any valid additions to artist-specific galleries, ongoing comics / cg sets, or ongoing translation projects". Neither of which your gallery falls under, as far as I can judge. >> https://ehwiki.org/wiki/Expunging#Already_Uploaded
Also also, 195 images of Sally Acorn is still a "miniscule collection of images". Just sayan.
Last edited on 01 February 2022, 16:45.
Base +31, longtime22 -6, Waitugreat +16, CrazyBeeFA -6