Base +8, Orengestar +7, Toffu +6, cAntW0 +10, nighthawk889 +6, GeniusDuck +6, DragonGemini +5, danielwain +9, Swag3001 +3, Westgate25 +5, Entei Nevermore +6, echarles +18, Unsibscribed +13, and 12 more...
Posted on 05 February 2022, 03:39 by:
Addelheim Score
Base +20, doc reaper 666 -7, GeniusDuck +6, danielwain +9, as102 +12, absolugom +7, pook_27 +5, Tesxy -30, Brego1 +6, Porokichin66 +9, Holion +7, Luolico -6
Base +21, Träumerei +6, Chester GoodYear -9, sgc_geh -11, Xy1aphone +4, absolugom +7, Tesxy +31, Porokichin66 +9, Ice_Cream +13, aasAaasd +5, fula_flight +7, HiroSoul -3, SirTwenty7 -1, and 1 more...
Base +6, as102 +12, RandomDudeH +5, AininChase +7, absolugom +7, AnonAB +6, Toffu +6, balmung60 +8, Porokichin66 +9, ensane +9, sleazeball +5, kalidos555 +6, aasAaasd +5, and 1 more...
Base +8, AininChase +7, absolugom +7, Mr.Awesomeness +6, aasAaasd +5, SirTwenty7 +1
Posted on 05 February 2022, 17:16 by:
剑逼者 Score
Base +6
Posted on 06 February 2022, 01:10 by:
ajarlube Score
Base +6
Base +55, Nausea +7, Porokichin66 +9, Philemanmania +9, Beddhist +16, aasAaasd +5, SirTwenty7 +1
Base +2, Isseiakairyu +6, Ice_Cream -13, aasAaasd -5, Jokepop -2, fula_flight -7, Iexist -19, Pachris -9, zcb535359 -20, Koaen -30, SoenUki -10, gfttfg -12