Base +11, Seelenmord -11, Janice_Em -6, TipsyDips1 -2, VanceWilliams +7, Church11 -7, suibelly -6, cody1o3 +6, Electric Angel -6, Masthorbaiter -6, Phong0401 +6, Dracul IV -6, Enbu +7, and 18 more...
Posted on 07 September 2021, 09:07 by:
Evelyn13 Score
Base +12, Seelenmord +11, TheOfficialCzex +5, somerandomdude33 +8, Janice_Em +6, swordpaladin +9, suibelly +6, jimmy rustler +6, Zoinks +6, souly15 +6, smoke 2000 -5, PregnantWhoreFucker +6, Nikolaios -4, and 26 more...
Posted on 07 September 2021, 21:51 by:
vjm3 Score
Base +7, somerandomdude33 +8, Chainjailhunter +6, Tinygts +8, DoctorWorm7 +10, legocandyman +6, justicechi +6, jimmy rustler +6, Zoinks +6, newtype711 +6, nazaret +10, Azure13 -6, crazej +10, and 11 more...
Posted on 08 September 2021, 03:40 by:
0ld0neEye Score
Base +15, JPoston +6, Janice_Em -6, Chainjailhunter +6, SCSS +19, Lady-Akane +6, VanceWilliams +7, roadkillfish +6, Consentacle +11, MooseChangerPat +6, feo +6, Pyramidstation -7, openminded20 -6, and 53 more...
Base +7, Zoinks +6, Phong0401 +6, thecronosone +7, Nikolaios -4, salve -7, Azure13 -6, Zerassi +6, TimelessArtist +6, Blue_Wizard +6, Sakisucc +6, 3dsex01 -6, chipie-OH +7, and 13 more...
Base +1, Inquisitorem Cubus -9, ploopz -6, Sanosuke223 +9, Oddball -7, SilverKane13 -6
Posted on 17 January 2022, 11:01 by:
Zorlond Score
Base +6, Inquisitorem Cubus +9, JPoston +6, hakuryu2250 +9, aze1aze +3, Sanosuke223 -9, Reinbach81 +6, 1qazqaz +7, Oddball +7, SilverKane13 +6
Posted on 07 February 2022, 00:31 by:
HoMaGi Score
Base +6, Oddball -7, SilverKane13 -6
Posted on 10 December 2023, 13:40 by:
Claw111 Score
Base +6, bobbycracky2 +8