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(nyte) Disney Series: Ariel

Posted:2022-02-08 11:48
File Size:753.5 MiB
Length:22 pages
Favorited:160 times
Average: 2.65

Showing 1 - 22 of 22 images

Posted on 08 February 2022, 19:27 by:   Lord Dashwood    PM
Score -34
To those of you who are about to downvote this comment into oblivion: take a look at the star rating for this post. 26 votes as of 1:30 PM Central on 2/8/22, an average score of 1.7.

You know what that tells me? Even the people who like vore are sick of Nyte's constant repetition.
Posted on 09 February 2022, 06:40 by:   Deadipool    PM
Score +2
I just want the linkle one... you know they all are shit, but hopefully it'll be something like the Tinkerbell one.
Posted on 09 February 2022, 12:16 by:   Sexyvore    PM
Score +10
Honestly the thing that annoys me about nyte the most isn't the repetition- there's nothing wrong with having a brand or theme. It's that they've turned it into a full blown rapid fire business, using up many artists time to churn them out and pay walling them all.

I love having the wide variety of artists and characters, and couldn't care less about it all being the same, but it is just a deluge of content that almost never sees the light of day without money.

I also personally prefer soft or implied digestion instead of hard, so it does make the endings less enjoyable now that all of them tend towards hard.
Posted on 09 February 2022, 12:56 by:   KregainSeph    PM
Score +38

So you're mad at people trying to make a living through their work? Like really? Are you mad at actors for being paid for their work? What about artists in mainstream selling their paintings in galleries? Is that somehow bothering you? Or is it the fact that you can't afford to get the art you want without either forking over cash, or waiting for people who paid for it to offer it up here for free? I mean talk about entitlement!

I've been in the vore community since the late 90's, back when pages like BigGulp and Disturbing Things were in their prime or just beginning to form. And we got most if not all the art for free, but you know what, times change. The artists have seen their value here and banked on it, they've also some of them given up working regular jobs to commit to doing what they love and we benefit from that by them producing amazing pieces of art, writing stories, and sharing it all. To complain about any of them making money on it is an insult to them and all the artists before them that paved the way.

If you don't like it fine, but don't go crying about it like some entitled child and potentially insult the artists old and new, we've seen enough talent leave the community for pettier things than this.
Posted on 15 February 2022, 19:59 by:   anonann8    PM
Score +31
I'd just like to see nyte have them sexually assaulted before they get eaten, you know? All this stuff to strip them naked, and the aggressor doesn't even get off to it first? Waste of effort.

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