Posted on 11 February 2022, 02:35 by:
S24851181 Score
Base +6, ThunderNight +9, xiao_sa +6, bismarckdrei +6, 霽霞空 +6, pkpk007kk2 +6, yihoujiubuyongle +6, H-P -12, 十六兽 +4, NitoriHeavyIndusty +6, novamxf +6, fghcvjk +6, 碳化铁 +6, and 14 more...
Base +6, Z10 +6, Kaotheold +6, xiao_sa +6, bismarckdrei +6, NO11 +6, funtaxi +6, Thomas996 -3, H-P -12, cheneyCCCC +6, AkanaChann +6, Do not starve +6, novamxf +6, and 14 more...
Base +6, komicalolicon -8, SYD72 +6, Deletewend +6, Hoshi Usagi +7, darkbarger00200 +6, wantsu +6, tut606milk696 +7, Kurumi77 +6, e1112221 +6, satoritokoishi +14, haozi23333 +5, scf123 +13, and 134 more...
Base +5, silentdesire +6, chaobaai +5, qq790710 +7, H-P -12, Do not starve +6, 焐嵇变态 +6, salahere +6, bzz233 +6, 114514beastman +12, T40 +6, byye +10, 雾华ノ冰月 +6, and 5 more...
Posted on 11 February 2022, 03:39 by:
yrsa9425 Score
Base +6, swr20010811 +6, warric +6, citizen78 +6, Noctchill +1, zjes40604 +6, Kaotheold +6, 67969699 +7, TQZLSR +6, adsl18 +6, ThunderNight +9, 腋毛叔 +6, lijiaxi +6, and 42 more...
Posted on 11 February 2022, 03:41 by:
Northland Score
Base +9, warric +6, ThseDark +6, 好大的咸鱼 +6, justinchiao +6, sunC +6, 林檎的RIN +6, Kaotheold +6, 67969699 +7, kurosawa_ruby +6, ThunderNight +9, silentdesire +6, lijiaxi +6, and 68 more...
Base +6, 好想冬眠 +6, ThseDark +6, 林檎的RIN +6, 67969699 +7, Kaotheold +6, kurosawa_ruby +6, ThunderNight +9, lijiaxi +6, zhuanyeye +4, xiao_sa +6, bismarckdrei +6, NO11 +6, and 37 more...
Base +6, 好想冬眠 +6, warric +6, zhuanyeye +4, VictorCR +6, H-P -12, Xireo +6, novamxf +6, Benson923 +6, T40 +6, 雾华ノ冰月 +6, Arctan0 +6, Technoaqua +2, and 4 more...
Posted on 11 February 2022, 04:24 by:
dark4062 Score
Base +8, 好想冬眠 +6, EWiowa +6, OotakuZZz +6, Gun Walker +5, tintingo24 +6, lkoofu +9, NEKO MOMO +6, 林檎的RIN +6, 比企谷泽止 -5, perfectcirno +6, zjes40604 +6, 67969699 +7, and 72 more...
Base +6, EWiowa +6, ohyeah56 +6, 67969699 +7, vsepr9527 +6, xiao_sa +6, 蔷薇儿童语iop +6, H-P -12, ronald279 +6, Diglol +6, Paphos +8, handsome08 +6, kartlin +4, and 1 more...
Posted on 11 February 2022, 04:40 by:
anhunwen Score
Base +6, 好想冬眠 +6, nslfo +6, a25728719 +6, 林檎的RIN +6, Kaotheold +6, ThunderNight +9, silentdesire +6, lijiaxi +6, funtaxi +6, VictorCR +6, weasdout +6, yihoujiubuyongle +6, and 32 more...
Posted on 11 February 2022, 04:58 by:
Skkyy Score
Base +6, 67969699 +7, vsepr9527 +6, H-P -12, scf123 +13, Do not starve +6, HakuyaW +1, 雾华ノ冰月 +6, Johnny Hsu +6, Paphos +8, lf2ex299 -6
Posted on 11 February 2022, 05:47 by:
1135c Score
Base +6, Qwertyu789 +8, citizen78 +6, 好大的咸鱼 +6, justinchiao +6, to10ny10 +6, 67969699 +7, Kaotheold +6, Z915 +6, ThunderNight +9, 逢魔道人 +5, uuuwu +6, vsepr9527 +6, and 66 more...
Posted on 11 February 2022, 06:14 by:
purikone Score
Base +5, citizen78 +6, ailu0209 +6, 绯flamehaze +6, silentdesire +6, bismarckdrei +6, funtaxi +6, firebomber +8, Krenko0w0 +2, 蔷薇儿童语iop +6, weasdout +6, yihoujiubuyongle +6, Thomas996 +3, and 30 more...
Posted on 11 February 2022, 06:24 by:
并蒂竹 Score
Base +5, 比企谷泽止 -5, TQZLSR +6, funtaxi +6, firebomber +8, H-P -12, AkanaChann +6, RDMAX +6, Do not starve +6, 114514beastman +12, TaldarimGuard +6, q15357258 +6, 369mam +6, and 5 more...
Posted on 11 February 2022, 06:54 by:
Base +16, 林檎的RIN +6, 比企谷泽止 -5, Kaotheold +6, 67969699 +7, ThunderNight +9, a947801436 +6, keasi +6, vsepr9527 +6, α瓦索龙 +6, Saitock +6, Sundaysaint +6, bismarckdrei +6, and 60 more...
Base +6, 林檎的RIN +6, vsepr9527 +6, Huxleny +6, 8617 +17, weasdout +6, Luooo +6, H-P -12, 67969699 +7, nabaiq884 +4, kaza8 +2, lf2ex299 -6
Posted on 11 February 2022, 07:17 by:
舞司 輓曲 Score
Base +6, perfectcirno +6, Kaotheold +6, 67969699 +7, adsl18 +6, kurosawa_ruby +6, silentdesire +6, wojiao3863 +6, Saitock +6, Chernov +6, tuhustutony +6, owacrk1liil +20, zl55570 +6, and 79 more...
Last edited on 11 February 2022, 07:50.
Base +5, Kaotheold +6, Z915 +6, ThunderNight +9, mmdnnd +7, jasontan83 +6, silentdesire +6, vsepr9527 +6, leifeng2333 +6, Chernov +6, e1112221 +6, owacrk1liil +20, cco8 +3, and 138 more...
Posted on 11 February 2022, 07:39 by:
TW2007 Score
Base +6, Huxleny +6, liangzitian +4, funtaxi +6, weasdout +6, hufu8 +2, pkpk007kk2 +6, yihoujiubuyongle +6, Thomas996 +3, H-P -12, scf123 +13, von123 +6, KKKKnight +7, and 27 more...
Posted on 11 February 2022, 07:52 by:
114514仙贝 Score
Base +5, 逢魔道人 +5, funtaxi +6, weasdout +6, hufu8 +2, cc2307tw -6, Thomas996 +3, H-P -12, scf123 +13, RDMAX +6, xxssadsdwa +6, novamxf +6, LOLIhunter24 +6, and 10 more...
Posted on 11 February 2022, 08:04 by:
wwxxnn Score
Base +6, funtaxi +6, weasdout +6, H-P -12, scf123 +13, RDMAX +6, xxssadsdwa +6, novamxf +6, killerkilling2 +6, TheKingOfRance +6, MOM~~~~~~~ +6, 332hao +4, 114514beastman +12, and 6 more...
Posted on 11 February 2022, 08:50 by:
markyee Score
Base +6, tuhustutony +6, Sundaysaint +6, perilpoint0 +13, jelly113 +5, NO11 +6, bismarckdrei +6, chaquan +6, Saitock +6, funtaxi +6, firebomber +8, VictorCR +6, sp_poi +6, and 79 more...
Posted on 11 February 2022, 09:12 by:
jiongshu Score
Base +6, bismarckdrei +6, funtaxi +6, VictorCR +6, charlielucy +6, jimmygdx6331 +6, yihoujiubuyongle +6, H-P -12, scf123 +13, RDMAX +6, von123 +6, sm0505 +6, Xireo +6, and 39 more...
Posted on 11 February 2022, 09:17 by:
MooerFoes Score
Base +11, Luchiyun +5, Yasaka Hayama +6, bismarckdrei +6, huya511 +6, 鱼儿划水水 +5, Saitock +6, deathsssj +6, funtaxi +6, NewHO +6, xzl19950525 +6, 蔷薇儿童语iop +6, weasdout +6, and 115 more...
Posted on 11 February 2022, 10:01 by:
ricardoL Score
Base +6, funtaxi +6, NewHO +6, H-P -12, RDMAX +6, von123 +6, sm0505 +6, TaldarimGuard +6, deathsssj +6, novamxf +6, InvisibleBaozi +17, Kurper +6, MEDELUDAGE +6, and 23 more...
Posted on 11 February 2022, 10:51 by:
g18008075 Score
Base +4, funtaxi +6, H-P -12, RDMAX +6, TaldarimGuard +6, novamxf +6, artoriaastraea +9, tingyi99 +6, TheKingOfRance +6, MOM~~~~~~~ +6, 114514beastman +12, overpo +6, lovemikugumiia +6, and 17 more...
Posted on 11 February 2022, 10:53 by:
guyu567 Score
Base +2, weasdout +6, funtaxi +6, H-P -12, RDMAX +6, Xireo +6, TaldarimGuard +6, 67969699 +7, Djooooooo +6, TheKingOfRance +6, MOM~~~~~~~ +6, 114514beastman +12, sabercon1993 +6, and 27 more...
Posted on 11 February 2022, 11:01 by:
jeasako Score
Base +6, mapo +8, funtaxi +6, Thomas996 +3, H-P -12, scf123 +13, RDMAX +6, TaldarimGuard +6, CrimonLake +6, novamxf +6, pllhli +6, bakaprc +6, 扶她型肉便器 +6, and 30 more...
Base +5, funtaxi +6, Thomas996 +3, H-P -12, RDMAX +6, TaldarimGuard +6, overpo +6, bilibilidrrr +6, T40 +6, fghcvjk +6, palapapa +6, QQ3382172551 +6, kaza8 +2, and 11 more...
Posted on 11 February 2022, 11:46 by:
xxxcjy Score
Base +6, funtaxi +6, cc2307tw -6, H-P -12, RDMAX +6, TaldarimGuard +6, 米娜桑ぁ +5, novamxf +6, TheKingOfRance +6, MOM~~~~~~~ +6, 114514beastman +12, overpo +6, bilibilidrrr +6, and 5 more...
Posted on 11 February 2022, 12:20 by:
Wanxinghe Score
Base +5, scf123 +13, RDMAX +6, 67969699 +7, funtaxi +6, MOM~~~~~~~ +6, 114514beastman +12, palapapa +6, kaza8 +2, novamxf +6, s90118 +6, Alonelynerd +6, x462557950 +5, and 1 more...
Base +6, hpk0421 +6, smartest_creeper +14, deathsssj +6, Do not starve +6, novamxf +6, tumorrow +6, bakaprc +6, NeekosHelp +14, funtaxi +6, 工口兔 +6, samuelqxc +6, 114514beastman +12, and 23 more...
Base +6, akaduki +6, RDMAX +6, deathsssj +6, Do not starve +6, pkpk007kk2 +6, novamxf +6, funtaxi +6, TheKingOfRance +6, 114514beastman +12, T40 +6, kaza8 +2, tjtjc +6, and 6 more...
Base +7, 67969699 +7, pkpk007kk2 +6, novamxf +6, 惟见花开 +6, funtaxi +6, overpo +6, ddlic +2, soiced +14, (owo) +6, Alonelynerd +6, lf2ex299 -6
Base +6, TaldarimGuard +6, weasdout +6, T40 +6, RDMAX +6, Paphos +8, e234820904 +26, novamxf +6, RLWD +4, qq601517 +6, s90118 +6, Alonelynerd +6, 寂寞秋的清愁 +6, and 2 more...
Base +6, MOM~~~~~~~ +6, nero1209 +8, weasdout +6, 廢物貓 -6, nslfo +6, e234820904 +26, Shadow Follower +6, novamxf +6, cslf97 +6, I HATE Log In +6, g3sg1 +7, qq601517 +6, and 2 more...
Base +6, MOM~~~~~~~ +6, Djooooooo +6, 114514beastman +12, overpo +6, TheKingOfRance +6, EJIAO9527 +6, Leath 灬 +6, kaza8 -2, tjtjc +6, 廢物貓 -6, Paphos +8, nslfo +6, and 6 more...
Posted on 11 February 2022, 20:02 by:
bayunmeng Score
Base +6, yuzetate +6, overpo +6, lovemikugumiia +6, yihoujiubuyongle +6, 塔斯丁苟 +5, kaza8 -2, tjtjc +6, 廢物貓 -6, guardiangod +6, nslfo +6, Shadow Follower +6, novamxf +6, and 12 more...
Posted on 11 February 2022, 23:37 by:
Base +6, sabercon1993 +6, yuzetate +6, overpo +6, Diglol +6, satoritokoishi +14, Killingjoke -6, Dante520 +6, QQ3382172551 +6, kaza8 +2, 廢物貓 -6, nslfo +6, e234820904 +26, and 11 more...
Posted on 12 February 2022, 00:49 by:
purikone Score
Base +5, Diglol +6, bilibilidrrr +6, lovemikugumiia +6, T40 +6, Dante520 +6, QQ3382172551 +6, Vinyl Rao +6, aoi0798 +6, Awesomise +6, hupopi +6, kaza8 +2, 369mam +6, and 13 more...
Posted on 12 February 2022, 06:41 by:
g18008075 Score
Base +4, BinaryPi +9, palapapa +6, QQ3382172551 +6, tjtjc +6, 四方谣 +6, kaza8 +2, 廢物貓 -6, nslfo +6, nodedelta +6, Hikari-san +6, novamxf +6, Technoaqua +2, and 13 more...
Posted on 12 February 2022, 07:27 by:
Hdkni9 Score
Base +6, 雾华ノ冰月 +6, jackbigo +6, T40 +6, 廢物貓 -6, KitauujidDaShenjin +1, Bitef etc. +6, zaratul +6, Alonelynerd +6
Base +6, RDMAX +6, e234820904 +26, novamxf +6, TIMEKB +7, erorraz -6, RLWD +4, Momgon +6, kplin -6, qq601517 +6, s90118 +6, B5BA +6, code183 -7, and 1 more...
Posted on 21 February 2022, 01:21 by:
dsdo8 Score
Base +1, Technoaqua +2, TIMEKB +7, g3sg1 +7, 67969699 +7, s90118 +6, Alonelynerd +6, 兵不血 +5, Cyborg114 +6, B5BA +6, x462557950 +5, code183 -7, lf2ex299 -6
Posted on 24 February 2022, 16:57 by:
a372161 Score
Base +6, 1n3+ +10, s90118 -6, Undfry +6, 67969699 +7, Erikis +6, RLWD +4, qmsdgt +4, Alonelynerd +6, B5BA +6, a2986338 +6, lf2ex299 -6
Posted on 12 March 2022, 02:25 by:
wnzxdx Score
Base +6, qmsdgt +4, qq601517 +6, Alonelynerd +6, lf2ex299 -6
Posted on 23 March 2022, 18:02 by:
tyuxue Score
Base +6, jinli8324 -5, qq601517 +6, Izysky -8, 2504219862 +5, zlforever2014 +6
Posted on 02 April 2022, 22:52 by:
鸩poison Score
Base +6, lf2ex299 -6
Posted on 18 April 2022, 15:32 by:
tyuxue Score
Base +6, 艾艾候思艾 -6, Izysky -8, zlforever2014 +6, a2986338 -6, unkiller miao -5
Base +6, x462557950 +5, lf2ex299 -6
Posted on 30 May 2022, 08:02 by:
kiwino Score
Base +13, lf2ex299 -6