Hello! Thank you for picking up my 2021 Art Bundle! This is pretty much every piece of art and art-adjacent work I've done in 2021. It's mainly commissioned work but there's also some personal work in here and character designs.
Please note- buying this pack does NOT mean you own the work within. I (LustyLamb/LambSprout) retain all rights to my own work, this is merely for enjoyment/studying. You may not use this artpack in ANY way to make money!
That said- enjoy seeing work you may not have seen before, and in incredibly large fullres!
If you are not familiar with my work and somehow found this pack you can find more of my work in the following places;
And finally, my website which links to my art presences and commission info - https://lamb-art.carrd.co
Thanks again! And a special thanks to my Patrons on Patreon who allow me to do this for a living- My life would be a whole lot more stressful without y'all!