Posted on 06 March 2010, 04:37 by:
Benkyo Score
Base +6, Bamioum +4, Eyriol +4, Slobber +25, Mastersparx +5, magico alverman +7, nonus +7, hacklol +7
Posted on 20 March 2010, 08:16 by:
Graus Score
Base +6, Bamioum +4, Eyriol +4, Murra +7, Slobber +25, Mastersparx +5, nonus +7, hacklol +7, homiebuster6 +3
Base +2, Bamioum +4, Amodelsino +6, hswhat +8, limitbreak +18, Slobber +25, Why_Not212 +5, Mastersparx +5, Zombie-sama1577 +6, nonus +7, musoukaXIV +9, hacklol +7, Draw99Gray +17, and 1 more...
Posted on 08 February 2011, 00:02 by:
NFM Score
Base +9, Bamioum +4, Eyriol +4, aiwotorimodose +15, Azul7 +5, Picksbro +6, jacksonville +18, Amodelsino +6, hswhat +8, prototype27 +6, limitbreak +18, Raidou7 +7, Murra +7, and 14 more...