Base +6, wladekk +5, Moyaguo -7, Clorne70 +5, HoroG +6, LexxiKitty +6, Venom8 +10, meccorig +6, BigBoss27Here +4, Barry Pug +4, Sultry +1, onlyregistere +14
Posted on 19 February 2022, 19:31 by:
watsonsan Score
Base +6, toopac +6, djseifer -6, Oddball +7, lakesys -6, hinoarashi +7, Clorne70 -5, Trunklum -6, ranter -6, HoroG +6, MonkeysUnkle -6, LexxiKitty -6, TheYellowDart -6, and 7 more...
Posted on 19 February 2022, 19:49 by:
yahibet Score
Base +7, rilistir -6, djseifer -6, Oddball +7, notalone +7, hinoarashi +7, Clorne70 -5, Trunklum -6, ranter -6, MonkeysUnkle -6, TheYellowDart -6, Venom8 -10, TheLoneTerran -6, and 5 more...
Posted on 20 February 2022, 19:36 by:
well29520 Score
Base +6, LexxiKitty -6, BigBoss27Here +4, Barry Pug +4
Base +6, Moyaguo -7, hinoarashi -7, Clorne70 +5, Selvaria Bles +23, Trunklum +6, ranter +6, HoroG -6, GhostAkira +1, MonkeysUnkle +6, Oddball -7, TheYellowDart +6, Venom8 +10, and 6 more...