This is just Seto-sama's scene from the collection "Tenchi Reijo". It's handwritten so I couldn't make out much of it. Normally I'd probably pass on something like this, but there's so little hentai with Seto-sama, I just had to do something with it.
In the end, I decided to just make it a rewrite. That also opened the door for me to make some "improvements." I reordered some pages to make it flow more like a story. Beefed up the cum shots. And I deleted the part with her pooping on the last page.
I also can't make out the name of the artist, but that seems to get removed in the case of rewrites anyway, so I guess it doesn't matter. If anyone want's to know here's the list from the original raw collection.
genka ichien, hikaru sayoko, naru, yoshi shikou, yuuka rei | benisomezuki yuuya