Base +7, DRevan -7, dimoroc +6, kuzbass +9, iKuroneko -6, ellenalter +6, VanTuz +7, kswong98 -16, disruptor44 -9, scf123 +13, misaka062 -6, SoulEvansEater -10, Anta·alter +6, and 36 more...
Base +6, DRevan -7, BSbXeresy +5, dimoroc +6, kuzbass +9, ellenalter +6, Domovoi5877 +5, VanTuz +7, disruptor44 -9, Decimus66 +6, scf123 +13, kakaswach +6, Oswald KID +8, and 46 more...
Posted on 28 February 2022, 17:02 by:
Claymora Score
Base +6, VanTuz +7, scf123 +13, Oswald KID +8, SoulEvansEater -10, darkdepths +17, Protazy -5, Black_Lightning -7, 5.1in +6, batlantern +4, qq949718803 +7, Skylake37 +5, Diablo44555 +9, and 17 more...
Base +7, Oswald KID -8, Protazy -5, Unyltyan -7, batlantern -4, ryuzakil +8, Skylake37 -5, Drinking_Karadzic -5, war15 -8, niselol +6, Pinzu -6, Black_Lightning +7, liuxuming3303 -16, and 3 more...
Base +3, Doctor Badguy -6, ooxx1992 -6, Limmor -6, chenjianxi +6, qwertte +5, liuxuming3303 +16, rokierokiero -6, HatsuyukiHou -6, kenqq -7
Posted on 28 February 2022, 17:35 by:
Saitock Score
Base +6, Unyltyan +7, ilyons +6, jojoks +6, qq949718803 -7, Romi the Byzantine +7, atasitian +23, Circumstances +34, Skylake37 +5, tonythetiger +6, 2b or not 2b +5, wapfel +6, mnuser +24, and 7 more...
Posted on 28 February 2022, 18:12 by:
ezequiell Score
Base +22, Drinking_Karadzic +5, Circumstances +34, Lizendy +6, 2b or not 2b +5, mnuser +24, simplesimon32 +38, war15 +8, marisasbroom +5, korat56 +6, kondoriyano +6, brotherdudejack +6, Pinzu +6, and 19 more...
Posted on 28 February 2022, 18:16 by:
uke8 Score
Base +2, Amino acids +7, ardnades -6, Doctor Badguy -6, mnuser +24, rombenf +7, marisasbroom +5, Edutron -8, magico alverman -15, Snake_HentaiSoul -6, dawaihih -30, victorpofa -14, Yuir173 +5, and 53 more...
Base +31, tonythetiger +6, Circumstances +34, SMiRRE -6, mnuser +24, rombenf +7, marisasbroom +5, blararag +6, Edutron -8, kondoriyano -6, Greenflow -6, gg07122397 +2, brotherdudejack -6, and 16 more...
Last edited on 01 March 2022, 08:12.
Base +7, kondoriyano +6, brotherdudejack +6, 2b or not 2b +5, Pinzu -6, Black_Lightning +7, Limmor +6
Posted on 28 February 2022, 21:23 by:
3ntask Score
Base +4, kondoriyano +6, brotherdudejack +6, Pinzu +6, MayLover -7
Posted on 28 February 2022, 22:01 by:
penguin87 Score
Base +6, kondoriyano -6, Eversman6 -6, YepVorno -7, StygianLewder -4, 政宗 -6
Base +6, kondoriyano +6, brotherdudejack +6, Pinzu +6, MayLover -7, liuxuming3303 +16, jojoks +6, Black_Lightning +7, xxooxooxoo +11, kafi +8, mwlls +8, indigo_jules +13
Posted on 28 February 2022, 22:50 by:
exx2501 Score
Base +6, kondoriyano +6, brotherdudejack +6, Pinzu +6, Dnkz -40, MayLover -7, kayue2012 -6, eva88688 -6, liuxuming3303 +16, Eversman6 +6, xxooxooxoo +11, mwlls +8
Posted on 28 February 2022, 22:56 by:
exaad Score
Base +4, kondoriyano +6, brotherdudejack +6, Pinzu +6, Black_Lightning -7, MayLover -7, jojoks +6, lizzichan +5, TimtimH +6
Posted on 01 March 2022, 01:38 by:
atozwdwd Score
Last edited on 01 March 2022, 08:52.
Base +8, 83kdb -6, gg07122397 +2, Black_Lightning -7, Limmor -6, ZeroZeroTwo -6, peter199516 +6, kayue2012 -6, chenjianxi -6, サイト +6, eva88688 -6, qwertte +5, liuxuming3303 +16, and 21 more...
Posted on 01 March 2022, 04:12 by:
cclolicc Score
Last edited on 01 March 2022, 11:59.
Base +5, liuxuming3303 +16, CriscoGawd -8, xxooxooxoo +11, mwlls +8
Base +5, kayue2012 -6, chenjianxi -6, liuxuming3303 +16, rokierokiero -6, xxooxooxoo +11, Dark bulu +5, buttersin +4, Fortis93111 +6, Bitef etc. +6, CincoCinco +5, ludiscovery +5, Retjj +6, and 1 more...
Posted on 01 March 2022, 14:33 by:
Mutsukii Score
Base +6, liuxuming3303 +16, Black_Lightning -7, xxooxooxoo +11, buttersin +4, Fortis93111 +6, 菥蓂霖雨 +1, Retjj +6
Posted on 01 March 2022, 23:23 by:
hugh van Score
Base +6, lizzichan +5, jojoks +6, Black_Lightning -7, xxooxooxoo +11, cpy29 +6, 9DKTHQ +6, buttersin +4, shelelu +2, Fortis93111 +6, 肝悲Gambit +2
Posted on 02 March 2022, 01:43 by:
jccon Score
Base +6, pocket-Gao +7, 好想百合 +6, rokierokiero -6, Black_Lightning -7, xxooxooxoo +11, a2746792517 +6, cpy29 +6, buttersin +4, Fortis93111 +6, Bitef etc. +6, 菥蓂霖雨 +1, nohpit -5, and 3 more...
Base +6, rokierokiero -6, xxooxooxoo +11, cpy29 +6, buttersin +4, Bitef etc. +6, Lvelsword +6, 菥蓂霖雨 +1, Retjj +6, nohpit -5, 肝悲Gambit +1, xiyandskiii +2, joungjason5678 +4
Base +9, pak47kingtiger -1, rokierokiero -6, Black_Lightning -7, xxooxooxoo +11, a2746792517 +6, cpy29 +6, buttersin +4, Fortis93111 +6, Bitef etc. +6, HatsuyukiHou -6, 菥蓂霖雨 +1, cc2307tw -6, and 4 more...
Posted on 02 March 2022, 17:13 by:
DIM. Score
Base +4, buttersin +4, Bitef etc. +6, CincoCinco +5, Retjj +6
Base +6, xxooxooxoo +11, kokomero +1, Fortis93111 +6, buttersin +4, Bitef etc. +6, ludiscovery +5, mwlls +8
Posted on 06 June 2022, 06:12 by:
2dfs Score
Base +3, konuka -6, Cryvin +1, 肝悲Gambit +2, NuevoEvo -6