OsmotischeEnte: some people bitched about the quality of his scans and said they'd have translated stuff if the scans were better. Cgc started watermarking stuff in response. That was understandable to make a point that you shouldn't complain about free scans, but he made his point after a month of doing that. Now he's just being an asshole.
If you can't find it in you to contribute to the community, then stop uploading. If you want to contribute somehow, then stop ruining every scan you upload that you aren't getting a bounty for. Most people don't scan these things themselves because they can't find or obtain them in the first place.
P.S.: You so suck.
Dyjin: I stopped posting on all the galleries for a while (went down to one or two at most), but that didn't change your voting pattern. So, I'm going back to doing more galleries now.
Last edited on 06 March 2022, 04:48.
Base +23, Cisal +6, yupokamusi +7, dandan550 +7, FC47 -3
I just cannot figure out what happened, this guy contributed many good things before, but since Jul. 2020 he just uploaded thousands of samples and trailers, why he's doing this???
Okay I just checked and found out that, because once he got commented, something like "scan quality is not so good" etc. then he just got mad and decided only upload low quality samples, and that's why there's always a additional picture at the end.
I understand, it'll be disappointing seeing those comments, cuz he really spend time and money scanning and uploading those, but that should never be a reason to disturb this community.