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(Hazama)] Hero Milking (FateGrand Order) part 1 machine translated

[MagMozzo (はざま)] 英雄搾精 (Fate/Grand Order)

Posted:2022-03-06 17:00
Language:English  TR
File Size:30.13 MiB
Length:12 pages
Favorited:65 times
Average: 1.36

Showing 1 - 12 of 12 images

Posted on 06 March 2022, 17:00
Uploader Comment
this is my first try at translating a doujinshi into english with machine translation what i didn't know was just how flawed machine translation is yeah it's cool that it atleast helps you understand what is being said but my god is it flawed some pages took me close to an hour to for the most part properly translate and sometimes it would just refuse to translate at all and even if it did i basically had to use detective mode with using different translators different angles and eventually i start to for the most part understand what is being said but sometimes i just had to completely improvise but i thnik it came out pretty well in the end obviously not perfect but i really tried my best took me close to 5 hours to finish part 1 and i still have a good amount of pages to go through i'll finish them later and either update the gallery or just upload it in its entirety

anyway yeah i know it's not perfect ok don't tell me it sucks or there are problems i know okay but if you really know japanese please feel free to point out the mistakes because i would love to fix them and get this as close to perfect as i can
Posted on 06 March 2022, 17:04 by:   goldfishman    PM
Score +176
On this day, a new cgrascal was born
Posted on 06 March 2022, 17:09 by:   JDhentai69    PM
Score -100
goldfishman thanks for the half star bro appreciate it
Posted on 06 March 2022, 17:13 by:   goldfishman    PM
Score +3
Don't troll me, bro
Posted on 06 March 2022, 17:14 by:   JDhentai69    PM
Score -91
goldfishman i'm not trolling
Posted on 06 March 2022, 17:15 by:   goldfishman    PM
Score +2
Wtf stop trolling me
Posted on 06 March 2022, 17:18 by:   JDhentai69    PM
Score -100
goldfishman legit i'm not trolling you if it wasn't you who give this a half star then i'm sorry but otherwise i'll stick with my sarcastic comment
Posted on 06 March 2022, 19:25 by:   cutegyaru    PM
Score +280
Not to put you down, but if you don't understand Japanese, it doesn't matter how long you spend MTLing your pages. The issue is that all machine translators are bad, and unless you can yourself compare to the original text, you'll be either a) slightly wrong or b) very off the mark and you'll never even know. I've spent an inordinate amount of time dispelling the myth on this website that machine translators are "okay" or do a "good enough job". They're awful, especially for a context heavy language like Japanese, and ESPECIALLY for creative works.

I encourage you to spend your efforts learning the language instead. You're doing yourself a huge disservice right now.
Posted on 06 March 2022, 21:18 by:   -Revan-    PM
Score +157
...Quite a lot of things can be said.
For example, we could talk about the fact that you decided to use the resampled gallery instead of the full quality one. Or we could talk about the font. Or the fact that you decide to use "red colored text in order to avoid having to clean/redraw" instead of just using a stroke effect (you can check the raw to find an example: The artist used a stroke effect). Or the left aligned text on p1. Or the missing cover. Or MTL... So many things...

Raw: /g/2126891/279c9bbff0/
Posted on 06 March 2022, 23:59 by:   Tatchy    PM
Score +86
I... in what world do you make something like this and think "Yeah, I want people to see and read this." Like, I get you wanna translate something. Lots of people want to be lots of things and like any skill, nobody starts off as a master.

Before any artist becomes good, they have to draw 10,000 bad drawings first. Nobody wants to see their bad drawings and they generally don't advertise them. The same principle applies here. If you want to translate or be a translator, actually learn to read the language first. Learn the many, many skills that one must have proficiency with in order to make a readable translation.

You acknowledge that this is dogshit in your post. Why would you want people to see this garbage?
Posted on 07 March 2022, 00:01 by:   murgilod    PM
Score +77
It's not just that this is a machine translation, but that it seems to be a raw machine translation without any editing applied to the grammar. Frankly, I wouldn't call a machine translation a source for anything outside of the rewrite tag.
Posted on 07 March 2022, 00:15 by:   Glovelove.    PM
Score +101
You wasted 5 hours.

Fair enough that a real translation takes time and effort but with raw MTL and minimal editing one has to wonder where all that time went. This reads like you only spend 5 minutes on it.

You also wasted your bandwidth uploading a "translation" anyone with deepL and Microsoft Paint could effortlessly re-create, probably at better quality.

I advise you to look for a more rewarding/entertaining use of your time.
Last edited on 09 March 2022, 16:51.
Posted on 07 March 2022, 00:52 by:   lw123789    PM
Score +63
Regardless to the scan quality and bad (horrible ?) translation... What the shit with the red text on the last page ??? Seriously, the original japanese could have easily been removed with a few brushing moves
Posted on 07 March 2022, 02:10 by:   soluminas    PM
Score -14
Seems like satire: page 9... pure gold.
Posted on 07 March 2022, 04:16 by:   danielwain    PM
Score +62
"Hi Merlin brother who can be relied on to wait" There's at least 2 errors for punctuation (no commas or period) in this sentence and one for grammar, the sentence makes little sense as is.
"Hey are you sure with me and her?" No comma and if anything "about me and her?".
"Who is who?" Not to insult you, but it looks like Japanese isn't the only language you hardly understand.
"I need you in private" No punctuation, "I need to talk to you in private."
"The troublesome explanation is look at this" Probably "It's troublesome to explain it, just look at this."? Once more, no punctuation.
"No this is I see is a ghostly abnormality?" I don't even know what that was supposed to mean, at least 2 errors for this one.
"No way is there such a miracle" "No way that there's such a miracle."
"Oh my god no every master has a rough manpower" Still no punctuation, nonsensical sentence, also at least 2 errors for this.
"It's complicated but you're still" Still what? Still missing punctuation, words?
"A here's a gift for you" Probably "Ah, here's a gift for you."?

There's more, but that should be plenty for other:"rough grammar". Doesn't look like I have enough tagging power, but here's the comment justifying it for anyone else.
Posted on 07 March 2022, 04:57 by:   Glovelove.    PM
Score +43
When they added the MP restriction for Rough Grammar they also clarified punctuation is not a valid error. As well as multiple errors in the same sentence still counting as a single bad sentence for the minimum of 10.
Last edited on 07 March 2022, 16:45.
Posted on 07 March 2022, 13:04 by:   danielwain    PM
Score +19
Hence why I listed ten errors without punctuation and double errors per sentence. Those were just noted as an aside. They're also spread over 5 pages, which is more than 25% of the 12 pages here, already satisfying the tag requirement on its own. Either 10 for larger galleries or 25% of translated pages, whichever comes first. If that's not enough, I can go over the remaining pages as well.
Posted on 07 March 2022, 16:56 by:   Glovelove.    PM
Score +37
Fair enough, I just saw the mention of punctuation so much when I skimmed over it that it looked like that was the only thing being mentioned but looking at it again this does not seem to be the case. I should note that the 10 is for smaller galleries not larger ones, because it is a minimum that overrules 25% if would result in less than 10 errors being needed (which I personally consider to be a bit excessive, you can hit a 100% error rate without having 10 sentences on some artists that make super short content like Bigshine and Ankoman).

I have no intention of defending lazy stuff like this but misuse of the rough grammar tag would have collateral damage for the entire tag.

Adding tag based on comment above.
Last edited on 01 May 2022, 06:41.
Posted on 30 July 2022, 04:59 by:   Mr_Person    PM
Score +23
Page 1:

Your TL: Hi Merlin brother who can be relief on to wait
RAW text: やあ,お待たせ 頼れるサポートのアーリンお兄さん!
Author’s intent: “Sorry to keep you waiting! Your reliable support, Merlin-onii-san-”

Your TL: Merlin! Good you came!
RAW text: マーリン!良かった来てくれた...!
Author’s intent: “Merlin! I’m glad you came!”. Sorta the same but this emphasizes Gudao’s relief

Page 2:

Your TL: Hey are you sure with me and her?
RAW text: ちょ,ちょっと君!まさか私と彼女を一緒に...!?
Author’s intent: “H-Hey now! There’s no way you’re putting me together with her, right…!?”


Your TL: No, there’s a reason for this
RAW text: いや,これには理由が...ご指名なんです...
Author’s intent: “No, there’s a reason for this…You’ve been nominated…”

Your TL: Who is who?
RAW text: 誰が誰を?
Author’s intent: “By who?”

Your TL: I need you in private
RAW text: 私が,貴様をだマーリン
Author’s intent: “I did, I called for you, Merlin”

Your TL: The troublesome explanation is- Look at this
RAW text: 面倒な説明は省きたい これを見ろ
Author’s intent: “I’d like to save myself the bother of explaining. Take a look yourself.”

Your TL: I was attacked by this magician
RAW text: いやはや今度はどこの魔術師に付けられたんだい?
Author’s intent: “My oh my, which magician attached this thing onto you this time?”

Your TL: No way is there such a miracle
RAW text: いや...まさかこんなクリスマスの奇跡があるとは...
Author’s intent: “No…this couldn’t be a Christmas Miracle, could it…”

Your TL: No?
RAW text: えーいや ちょー
Author’s intent: “Huh, no, wait-” He’s no denying something, he’s basically just flustered

Page 4:

Your TL: Mann
RAW text: マーリン
Author’s intent: “Merlin”

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