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(C99) [IRON FIN (tethubire)] barghest BREAST (Fate/Grand Order) [Allen Translations] [Spanish]

(C99) [IRON FIN (テツビレ)] barghest BREAST (Fate/Grand Order)

Posted:2022-03-18 18:12
Language:Spanish  TR
File Size:61.02 MiB
Length:30 pages
Favorited:101 times
Average: 4.30

Showing 1 - 30 of 30 images

Posted on 18 March 2022, 18:29 by:   Allen Translations    PM
Score +2
Hola aquí allen139, espero que te haya gustado el doujin, este se suma a mi lista de favoritos, lo traduje y edite lo mas rapido posible, las obras de este autor son mis favoritas, me gusta su dibujo y la manera lasciva que dibuja los cuerpos de las mujeres y a pesar de tener un arte muy erotico, aun se siente el romance de aquellos que aparecen en el doujin :D.

Recuerda que si te gusto nos puedes apoyar siguiendo nuestra pagina del Facebook: Allen Translations

También estamos buscando typers, traductores y cleaners para que nos ayuden a sacar mas doujins y si no sabes pero quisieras aprender te enseñamos, mas info al discord mandame mensaje a Allen139#7109

Hello allen139 here, I hope you liked the doujin, this is added to my favorites list, I translated and edited it as quickly as possible, the works of this author are my favorites, I like his drawing and the lascivious way he draws women's bodies and despite having a very erotic art, you still feel the romance of those who appear in the doujin :D.

remember that if you liked it you can support us by following our Facebook page: Allen Translations

We are also looking for typers, translators and cleaners to help us get more doujins and if you don't know but would like to learn we'll show you, more info to discord send me a message to Allen139#7109
Posted on 25 March 2022, 03:55 by:   Hollow_Gaea    PM
Score +48
Por más que te guste un artista, no podés escupirle en la cara tratando así su trabajo con tu español de mierda. Siendo demasiado inconsistente con los signos de apertura...

"pero si quisieras aprender te enseñamos", mejor dejá que te enseñen los pros A VOS. Porque dejás bastante que desear.


As much you like an artist, you can't spit on their face treating their works with your shitty spanish. Being too inconsistent with opening marks...

"if you would like to learn we'll showteach you", you better let the pros teach YOU. Because your work leaves too much to be desired.

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