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[TSF no F (Betty)] Let hardy you♂ become softly♀

[TSFのF (べってぃ)] おかたいアナタ♂をやわらかく♀ [英訳]

Posted:2022-03-26 00:45
Visible:No (Replaced)
Language:English  TR
File Size:32.28 MiB
Length:36 pages
Favorited:678 times
Average: 2.93

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[TSF no F (Betty)] Okatai Anata o Yawarakaku | Let hardly you become softly [English] [Fakely Fake Translator], added 2022-03-26 23:43

Showing 1 - 36 of 36 images

Posted on 26 March 2022, 00:45 by:   AlTaco808    PM
Uploader Comment
This is a fan translation I have made. I'm new to translating and don't speak Japanese. New being this is literally my first translation ever. I will redirect to official translation if they release one.
Posted on 26 March 2022, 00:54 by:   cutegyaru    PM
Score +481
>I'm new to translating and don't speak Japanese.
Why are you translating something that's written in Japanese, then?

>I might take this down if they release an official translation.
You can't delete galleries.
Posted on 26 March 2022, 00:56 by:   AlTaco808    PM
Score -100
I'm new to this so idk how it works lol
I used many sites and translations and compared them to get this.
I may not speak Japanese but I feel I am competent enough to translate it at least mostly accurate. So please do not be rude.
Posted on 26 March 2022, 01:41 by:   cutegyaru    PM
Score +520
>I may not speak Japanese but I feel I am competent enough to translate it at least mostly accurate.
I wish I had your confidence.

rough translation

Page 3
Your TL: Huh...
JP text: ふぅ
Author intent: This is a sigh/exhale. "Pheew..."

Page 3
Your TL: Who's there!?
JP text: だ 誰だ?
Author intent: "W-who are you?" He's looking straight at her.

Page 4
Your TL: What?
JP text: 何でぇ?
Author intent: Why?

Page 4
Your TL: But it's hard...
JP text: かたいなぁ・・・
Author intent: You're so stubborn...

Page 5
Your TL: What suddenly...
JP text: いきなり何を・・・
Author intent: "What was that for [all of a sudden]...?" What you wrote are the literal translations of いきなり and 何 back-to-back.

Page 9
Your TL: Hey...
JP text: どう?
Author intent: So? or What do you think?

Page 9
Your TL: Mo... most likely not!
JP text: そ・・・そんなわけないだろ!
Author intent: This is worded very strongly, with great confidence in the outcome. "A... absolutely not!" or "There's... there's no way [that it'd be the case]!"

Page 10
Your TL: What is it now?!
JP text: 何だ今のはっ!
Author intent: What was that just now!?

Page 10
Your TL: What a beautiful sight.
JP text: 随分ビンカンみたいだね
Author intent: You seem pretty sensitive, huh. / It's pretty sensitive, huh?

Page 11
Your TL: I got a nipple.
JP text: 乳首もたってきたし
Author intent: Your nipples have also become hard/erect.
Posted on 26 March 2022, 01:53 by:   Daruna    PM
Score +441
>I may not speak Japanese but I feel I am competent enough to translate it at least mostly accurate.

Do tell, how do you come to that conclusion? You didn't even get 「乳首もたってきた」 right, which surely could have been sussed out if you even bothered to open a dictionary.

>So please do not be rude.

It's not rude to point out that this translation sucks. Because it does. Go open a textbook and actually learn the language instead of wasting your time and damaging the author's work by outputting this muck. It's impossible to provide you constructive criticism when you don't know the first thing about the language. Any explanation on grammar or vocab is wasted on you because you're utterly clueless when it comes to Japanese.

Stop this nonsense.
Posted on 26 March 2022, 02:09 by:   W1slicer    PM
Score -100

You should never criticize people like this, it's a complete turn off to anyone trying to learn Japanese, and it's unfair. This may not be the best translation, but it is still better than others I've seen and it's not like these are great works of classic literature, it's a porn comic that most people can figure out just by looking at the pictures. There's no call for being so rude and condescending to another person who is making an honest effort.


Thanks for your efforts, I hope you keep working at it.


This was very helpful.
Posted on 26 March 2022, 02:22 by:   Daruna    PM
Score +356
This isn't an "honest effort." It's copypasting the output of some combination of Google Translate, Yandex and DeepL onto the images. If anyone is the "translator" here, it's those websites, not the OP. About the only thing missing here is the advertising of commissions, and given the way this exact scenario has played out over the last few years, I am more than willing to bet that OP will be starting that very soon.

OP is clearly not trying to learn Japanese, as they say so very clearly in the above comments. They don't know anything about Japanese, meaning they are not studying. Why should I assume they're "trying to learn Japanese" when they admit they are not? I refuse to give them the same respect I would give an actual student of the language.

If you feel like putting down the artist's work because "it's just porn bro lol" then I won't even entertain the idea of replying to you any further.
Posted on 26 March 2022, 02:25 by:   nikgtasa    PM
Score +319
If some dude's comment is enough to turn you off to learning japanese, then you never had resolve to learn it anyway. That meanie says it like it is and he's correct (most of the time
o(>ω <)o ). Learning a new language isn't a piece of cake and the sooner you'll get resolve to learn it no matter what, the sooner you'll get better and look with shame at your past accomplishments and pride at your new ones.
Posted on 26 March 2022, 05:44 by:   b911    PM
Score +357
> "You should never criticize people like this, it's a complete turn off to anyone trying to learn Japanese, and it's unfair. This may not be the best translation, but it is still better than others I've seen and it's not like these are great works of classic literature, it's a porn comic that most people can figure out just by looking at the pictures. There's no call for being so rude and condescending to another person who is making an honest effort."

This "honest effort" causes a ton of harm. History has repeatedly shown that once any kind of "translation" gets released, there's a very low chance of someone else ever making a new one, even if the translation is horseshit.

And more importantly, a lot of people will now think this work/author just sucks, especially once this propagates to mirror sites without the context of the comments here. Which only further reduces interest in the work and the chances of this ever getting a proper translation, much less getting people to actually support the author.
Posted on 26 March 2022, 10:11 by:   sensualaoi    PM
Score -100
An creatively-challenged hack of a writer once again gets the only translation he deserves. This pleases me.
Posted on 26 March 2022, 10:32 by:   ThePandaKnight    PM
Score -100
Sorry about the neckbeards Taco and thanks for the translation
Posted on 26 March 2022, 12:53 by:   futa lover    PM
Score -100
OP: Thank you for the translation, ignore the haters. Haters: if you want a better translation, make one (I've seen plenty of stories retranslated, and many many more that never get any translation)
Posted on 26 March 2022, 14:14 by:   sectorunit888    PM
Score +140
@sensualaoi: As much as I'd like to agree with you considering how shitty tsf no f is, this sort of practice will encourage "honest effort" from anyone who can't into Moonrunes to post butchered translation and will lead to shittier translations to lots of works, not just from this hack.
Posted on 26 March 2022, 16:33 by:   Daruna    PM
Score +209
I run a group with a focus on quality (link), and we made a subsidiary whose sole task is to unfuck books like this (link). This "hater" already does make better translations, you leech.

But my time and energy is limited, so you know what would be even better than expecting me or people like me to clean up disrespectful and ultra lazy messes like this? Actually having them done properly the first time. You people act like I'm being unreasonable when I say that those who claim to be translators should be capable in the languages they are translating out of and into. You wouldn't accept some dipshit wandering in off the street to repair your car, or do brain surgery on you.

Shit, maybe you would. You get what you pay for though, so you had better never complain when your brakes suddenly go out on the highway or when you turn into a drooling sped.
Posted on 26 March 2022, 20:40 by:   zigpron    PM
Score -100
Whether or not machine translation is better than no translation at all is a matter of opinion, and being a dick about it isn't going to change anyone's mind.

Also, about deleting a gallery if a better translation is posted, the OP (or anyone else) could use that "Petition to expunge" button and pick option 2. Wouldn't that do the trick?
Posted on 26 March 2022, 22:20 by:   AlTaco808    PM
Score -100
Tbh I kinda expected this toxicity because this is hentai comment sections, so I'll take this criticism and try to improve nonetheless lol
I heard quite a few good points and helpful tips hidden in all the belittling comments so I'll try to take them in consideration for the next time I try translating stuff.
I guess I should respond with clarifying some obviously wrong info people somehow got from my few sentences:
1. I am not claiming to be a translator. Never have, never will until I can fluently speak both languages.
2. I simply did this for my own benefit and decided "You know what? I might as well upload this to share with others."
3. I am not claiming to have translated this through my own knowledge. I literally said in my second comment that I took translations off different sites and combined them.
4. You can probably see this is my first ever upload to this site. It is my first upload to any site actually. I am not getting paid nor will I ever try to be. I merely do this for fun and sharing with others.
5. As I mentioned earlier, although people are being extraordinarily hostile towards me, I will take their criticisms to heart and learn from my mistakes.

For now at least, I will use @cutegyaru's corrections to at least somewhat fix some of my errors and may even "disown" this, whatever that means.
Posted on 27 March 2022, 00:48 by:   Daruna    PM
Score +242
In case the comment I'm replying to is downvoted to death again, I'll post it here for the sake of posterity:

re: #1,

You claimed, and I quote (emphasis mine): "I may not speak Japanese but I feel I am competent enough to translate it at least mostly accurate."

Caught in 4K. Point 1 debunked.

re: #3,

Yes, you did, and that is precisely the problem here. You are "contributing" to the site using websites that do nothing but fuck up the language, as cutegyaru's list of errors clearly shows. And they're not complicated things that are being fucked up. They're extremely simple sentences, and machine translation still manages to drop the ball. Whatever you upload as an English version of a Japanese gallery will 9 times out of 10 be the permanent and sole English representation of that particular work. It's permanent because the only way anything is actually removed from e-h is via DMCA - users cannot delete galleries and any attempts to do so are rolled back by the admins - and it's the sole English representation because actual translators will do cursory searches to see whether or not something has an English version already uploaded when they are deciding to work on something. When the sole English version of a work is of awful quality, that's a problem.

re: #5,

Your exact story - be it genuine or otherwise - has played out a billion trillion times on this website over the last 2 years, since the pandemic began, and I've heard your exact retorts at least as many times. Every coomer brainlet with an internet connection decided to "translate" with machine translation when they were forced to stay indoors jerking off all day, and the quality of the English side of the site took a total nosedive as a result. That's the background to the response you've gotten. I'm not sorry for how I am responding to this, because I have been particularly diplomatic here, whether you believe it or not.

re: #2, #4, and your final comment:

>"I'll take this criticism and try to improve" ... "For now at least, I will use @cutegyaru's corrections to at least somewhat fix some of my errors"

Except you are completely ignoring the most obvious problem of all with what you're doing: you don't know Japanese. I will give you the benefit of the doubt and take you on your word that your intentions came from a genuinely good place. Do you understand the point I made above, about this now very likely being the sole and permanent example of an English version for this book? When it's as bad and as mangled as this one is, don't you think you're doing a disservice to the effort the artist put into it?

I do. I believe, especially since this is a piracy website and we all enjoy limitless content for absolutely free and at the artist's personal expense, that the utmost respect and effort should be given to any project that gets an English translation. MTL and trashy editing are hugely disrespectful. If you're incapable of doing something right, don't instead decide to do it badly.

I appreciate your enthusiasm, I really do, but you're simply not ready to do any of this at this moment in time. I told you to open a textbook and actually learn the language, and I meant it. You may not have been aware of the issues with machine translation before, but you absolutely are now. If you truly care to do good work and do good by the artist, then you should start your learning journey now, and put any plans for future uploads on the indefinite backburner.

Here is the gold standard for a free Japanese grammar and vocab textbook:
If you prefer a more formal beginner's textbook, the Genki series is arguably the gold standard:
Here is a flashcard program you can use to help you remember what you're studying:
And here is the documentation for that program, which you should read to understand how to use it:

Those resources alone got me started 5 or 6 years ago now, and are a great beginner's step. If you have questions, there are tons of actual human contacts you can use for answers. HiNative can be quite good, stackexchange has some Japanese language posts, hell, there are dedicated Japanese language learning Discord servers you can join. You could even join my Discord, we have a dedicated learn-jp channel.

This won't be easy, but nothing worth doing ever is. I've given you the information necessary for a real first step. The ball is in your court.
Last edited on 27 March 2022, 01:05.
Posted on 27 March 2022, 09:54 by:   fhioe    PM
Score -100
Lmao at all the elitists coming out of their dark coners to critizize you for using tools to translate. At least you are contributing something to this site. Complaining on the other hand is easy. Like it's so important that an hentai translation is 100% accurate. Thank you for translating this.
Posted on 28 March 2022, 01:07 by:   Rawru    PM
Score +100
Hey everyone, I wanted to let everyone know that I am working on a re-translation of this piece due to everyone's obvious frustration. I have gotten the script written mostly for pages 3-11 thus far. I simply wanted to let everyone know, and hopefully there are others who are even more competent than I am translating this. Since this is my first bit of formal translation, any recommendations on the technical aspect would be greatly appreciated. Cheers!
Posted on 31 March 2022, 17:22 by:   lolhentiaflash    PM
Score +13
shouldn’t this have possession tag?

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