1. The scans are kinda shit unfortunately, so you have to do extra cleaning here. A lot of your bubbles are so full of artifacts it looks like they're a separate color and you can clearly see the brush strokes you used to remove the text in them. 2. Leveling your pages can help IMMENSELY with getting rid of at least most artifacting. In fact, leveling is a basic thing to do. 3. Basic cleaning guide here, but you can find others: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PANrCwHy630 4. Always export black and white pages as grayscale PNG-8. This prevents FURTHER artifacting, among other things, like bloating your file size. => make sure you're not in RGB, and that it doesn't re-convert them to sRGB. 5. A lot of your phrasing isn't actual English.
Random page as example:
Don't joke with me => Don't mess with me. I will not partake in such insolence like this => Not even sure what this is supposed to mean. "I won't allow such insolence", maybe? But that steel heart of yours => "Steel heart" isn't really a thing. You'd prob want to use an appropriate metaphor here, like "strong resolve", "unbreakable will", etc. I wonder how long will it take before it breaks => I wonder how long IT WILL TAKE before it breaks.
Last edited on 26 March 2022, 00:05.
Base +15, as102 +12, Czhew +6, Vilnius +6, MrSquigglesIAm -6
You know, I actually did level these pages but then forgot to move the layer back above the image after I finished the typesetting lmao. I'm gotta fix that in the updated gallery.