All images and bonus gif, pdf and stories in torrent.
Foreword and Thank You:
ZakuraTech began in early 2019 working with artists and the community to produce a size-able pun based SizePlayShenanigans (SPS) sticker pack on Telegram. Although pun stickers continue to be a staple of our work, we have since expanded into various interests, niches, custom commissions and now fully dedicated booklets!
But we haven’t forgotten the outsize impact the Macro/Micro Community had in helping us develop a foundation from which to strive for greater heights. So our first booklet: Macro Micro Mishaps is a nod to all the silly, seductive and stupendous sorts of things that occur to characters of scale.
Thank you very much for downloading this! We hope you enjoy the hard work all our artists and authors poured into producing it. With your support we hope to make these content packs become a regular, annual release.