It's an old reward comic from my gallery :
Called Pandora's rag. It's a reward for the Tiny Tier ^_^' It's pretty old, poorly advertised and not a lot of my stuff gets posted up (Don't think I'll be posting up things to promote it) so- not too bothered I guess. Thought I'd pop down my links though incase someone liked it!
Y-owch though! That's a pretty bad rating, but toooootally understandable! Pretty dang weird fetish :) I draw size content and object TF like this. This was part of my 'See if I can draw a full comic a month' thing... I don't think I can manage that pressure nowdays- haha!
Base +6, rainser +6, MikuJess +9, SubetaDnD +7, UnusedWaterbottle +6
@teniko Don't feel bad about the low rating. For some reason vanillas and normies are obsessed with giving anything that isn't their fetish a half star and then complaining about it. I can tell it was an early work too, since you have improved a lot since then.
The durable tissues part is easier to wrap my head around than the washcloth part. I kept wondering why all the girl's would share a single washcloth. It was somewhat explained that their other washrags are even worse because they don't get new ones. But still eww lol. I'd expect them to find their own replacements rather than put up with sharing. Maybe its a cultural thing that they are all used to sharing bath supplies.
The various ends after that are interesting and unique. I would have read more if there was a continuation.
Art 6. Plot 7. Sexiness 7. English 7. True to character 7. All out of 10.