Base +13, Hongfire -6, dabrhe +6
Posted on 05 April 2022, 20:27 by:
Deviane Score
Base +6, Acala +6, Kobalt +11, Bunnybreaker +6, Elysar +7, alphabankai +6, sissassos +6, Yamioni +10, Hongfire +6, ML2 +8, Alarii +9, dabrhe +6, Kyoshize +6, and 6 more...
Posted on 05 April 2022, 23:06 by:
Zarzil Score
Base +8, Yamioni +10, Hongfire +6, ML2 +8, homsar +6, Alarii +9, dabrhe +6, GoldGuardian +7, dersied +10, gloriousstalin +6, adfnamor +6, Chyor +6, titlovingguy +6, and 2 more...
Base +5, Adragoon402 +6, fgdgfd +6, Chyor +6, VanillaFaps -6
Base +11, ML2 -8, hellocakeguy -6, adfnamor -6, SupaKewl -6