Interesting, I didn't know Sindy did stuff prior to her current comics (One Human Being, and uh...the other one I can't think of). Seems like she really improved the quality between the start and end of this one.
The whole Multiwork Series was really great read. I stumbled on the lithium comic randomly and this was a perfect example of "came for the boobs, stayed for the story".
If you stumble upon this one randomly, i highly suggest the you read the comics in the correct order.
I hope they make a sperate comic about lucy when she left the crew and explain what happened to her on her new crew and how she got the wraith in her hands. This could be really interesting
I know that a lot of people think that the person behind Te Liithium Comic and One Human, Being (Sindy Anna Jones) and the person behind STFW are the same, but there is nothing indicating this other than the similarity of the assets being used. Considering Project Nemesis / Bellerophon released to the public all the assets used for the series, though, this is a pretty weak argument. FWIW, Sindy Anna Jones in their blogspots always refers to the Project Nemesis / Bellerophon author in third person.
This gallery should be tagged _and_ titled as having Project Nemesis / Bellerophon as author, not Sindy Anna Jones.