It there any way to block an uploader from view? The amount of uploads from this uploader is worse than spam. He really should have just done a bulk upload of a few hundred images into one gallery... and not a hundred galleries with 5-10 images.
Excluded uploader list here, you'll never see anything from me again, no western stuff, no CG sets, no doujin translations, absolutely nothing. Alternatively, you can just block out the misc category (which Western non-H falls under) to block most of my uploads on this artist.
Only 100 uploaders though, you'd run out very quickly if you expect everyone to upload under the compilation tag Site rules just aren't really supportive of the "cram everything into a single gallery" mentality when it comes to completed works instead of random images.
The big difference with those imagesets is that this stream of content will slow down to a dripple and get buried soon enough, while imagesets will always be on your front page because they're bumped back there every time a single new image gets released. And they're pretty fucking useless unless you like pretty much everything an artist does because due to the presence rule, more specific tags (for example anything other than m:Gender Change and m:Gender Morph in case of Escafa) can't be used effectively on huge image dumps.