Base +6, Byronli +6, 炽热哲学家 -4, Jaeycin +3, derchase +6, 樱小路露娜95 +5, Mysf222 +4, 超高校级的混子 +2, gcobc180619 +6, Ipentacle1052 +6, 石崎信吾 +6, amier so great +5, rimenmen +4, and 60 more...
Posted on 09 July 2021, 12:48 by:
快乐day0 Score
Base +20, lijiaxi +6, andy chan +6, hlwsh5 +6, hw2333 +6, ckw0317 +6, amier so great +5, tony0204 +6, zxcv6300 +6, pkpk007kk2 +6, recoin +6, fear1999 +4, hornblee +6, and 176 more...
Posted on 09 July 2021, 13:26 by:
Nerys Score
Base +6, 米凯拉的卫兵 +6, derchase +6, 带狗的道士 +4, maxiud +2, 苏卡卡 +6, psrw -1, gcobc180619 +6, leinuosake +2, HCY450 +6, 无お名 +6, 文棠生 +3, gebishahang +5, and 4 more...
Base +5, zebra8888cz +6, overpo +6, A Fake Account +12, ass23333 +6, pengyikai +6, 百事雪碧 +4, MOM~~~~~~~ +6, NZJ20005B +1, q0939028 +6, jason9309577 +6, 带狗的道士 +4, abdetianshi +6, and 81 more...
Posted on 09 July 2021, 13:47 by:
钢笔龙 Score
Base +6, horoka_kosaka +6, derchase +6, god bingrenn +6, ddvd +19, inderxcrazyi233 +3, suibian99 +7, deletekkk +6, wdnmd_gg +1, neigui +5, okokokok7768 +5, funhermoe +4, 科比布莱恩 +1, and 7 more...
Base +6, hopeDestructor +5, Thoutzan +6, moonrus +6, MOM~~~~~~~ +6, ffjejhhdhd +6, rimenmen +3, W G +6, coldiceEVO +6, 義介仁 +6, exyoyoyo +6, derchase +6, Red-Titanium +7, and 23 more...
Posted on 09 July 2021, 14:09 by:
____X Score
Base +6, btet290 -2, Jongound -2, LAnrete24 -5, zxcv6300 +6, W G +6, coldiceEVO -6, 带狗的道士 +4, 那天树下的你 +8, funhermoe +1, funtaxi +6, Fujiwara no Sagume +6, inderxcrazyi233 +3, and 30 more...
Posted on 09 July 2021, 14:38 by:
tubhurry Score
Base +2, Jongound +2, llrq +6, akurale -6, 随云公子 +6, 八雲白 +6, 雪淚寒 +6, exyoyoyo +6, derchase +6, xzqkkk +6, ReveM +6, Double_Pillars +6, Kevin H. Yang +6, and 13 more...
Base +12,
TryingMitosis +4,
rimenmen +3,
cn5987 -5,
extra114514 +4,
20041203 +6,
雪淚寒 +6,
[email protected] +6,
leopard2cv +5,
bravonewworld +5,
7FAR +6,
j30115 -6, and 124 more...
Base +6, A Fake Account +12, rimenmen +3, derchase +6, lqdswsz +6, 苏卡卡 +6, KbKbKB777 -1, HCY450 +6, QuanBan +2, SherlockCheng +6, bb and ccc +5, summ3773 +3, RONGRUO1 +7, and 3 more...
Posted on 09 July 2021, 17:24 by:
phynics Score
Base +6, 源儿啦 +5, a2581474238 +6, wu1551 +4, derchase +6, zcjc960106 +6, Scarlet_xiao +6, 5jiang +6, 百事雪碧 +5, Double_Pillars +6, Trueblue1 +15, 323John +6, bjcsz233 +1, and 29 more...
Posted on 09 July 2021, 18:06 by:
现充鉴赏家 Score
Base +4, lqdswsz +6, 石崎信吾 +6, koishi876 +6, xuelianhua +4, advan莫问 +5, e234820904 +26, 咸鱼不想学习 +5, fourninenine +6, longlinglaoxianyu +4, jacktheripper17 +6, gangcai8 +4, fgh10086 +6, and 15 more...
Posted on 09 July 2021, 19:19 by:
gka123 Score
Base +6,
[email protected] +6,
pengyikai +6,
百事雪碧 +4,
ppllddddxxrr +6,
NZJ20005B +1,
exyoyoyo +6,
wwwwbiggerguy +6,
supmegum1 +3,
EGenTlezz +6,
dfec +6,
Thresh864 +6,
Fujiwara no Sagume +6, and 37 more...
Base +6, overpo +6, 樱小路露娜95 +5, NZJ20005B +1, exyoyoyo +6, john060686 +6, amier so great +5, god bingrenn +6, inderxcrazyi233 +3, wangbadan233 +6, bujimuz +6, LZX495515978 +4, llrq +6, and 102 more...
Posted on 10 July 2021, 06:07 by:
ybtdyp Score
Base +6, cacf123 +6, 随云公子 +6, Concise +6, Kevin H. Yang +6, EDFS6 +6, 张了杀 +6, ybqppewrybmqybqppewr +1, age1234567 +6, zhl2019 +6, tamam5885 +6, fdhvhb25 +4, 红白酱! +6, and 5 more...
Posted on 10 July 2021, 09:41 by:
dzi_yu Score
Base +6, rimenmen +3, WL01993481 +10, 牖橄椭 +4, lucius97 +6, exyoyoyo +6, derchase +6, A Fake Account +13, yesman_debug +5, Su25ubk +6, 323John +6, whatelse +6, bb and ccc +5, and 2 more...
Posted on 11 July 2021, 01:34 by:
Pedolion Score
Base +6, exyoyoyo +6, 天才文偉 +6, zhrmghgcgk +5, guanhetong +6, 1232343456 +6, pkpk007kk2 +6, Retjj +6, A Fake Account +13, koishi876 +6, hqz4698508 +6, feliciaxz +6, 朱奕帆 +6, and 62 more...
Base +11, overpo +6, ass23333 +6, A Fake Account +13, koishi876 +6, jiecaozjz +6, DAMOSS +6, pHd_pancake_tosser +6, DERAN +6, james850126 +6, iriia +1, bb and ccc +5, Coledas Ukgent +13, and 1 more...
Posted on 21 July 2021, 23:00 by:
Tairano Score
Base +4, 都虞候 +6, exyoyoyo +6, 空气AIR +6, overpo +6, derchase +6, dogtang +6, jason9309577 +6, koishi876 +6, 323John +6, pengyikai +6, heng8 +3, iriia +1, and 8 more...
Base +6, lkoofu +9, Glory H +6, funtaxi +6, koishi876 +6, pengyikai +6, Cyberex +5, iriia +1, cailang753 +6, 颖玲奈 +5, 等车的人 +6, ugdftgfduiv +2, sabermarisa +6, and 8 more...
Base +6, funtaxi +6, zhrmghgcgk +5, 空气AIR +6, canglanxing +6, motanyuan +6, EDFS6 +6, 崩溃的橘子树 +5, oy137 +6, Su25ubk +6, Hydrogen Atom +2, yinshennpc +6, nikea222 +5, and 45 more...
Posted on 14 August 2021, 07:06 by:
Chu Yu Score
Base +6, j30115 +6, waterball +6, 天才文偉 +6, scf123 +8, zhrmghgcgk +5, 空气AIR +6, 执剑人罗辑 +6, ckw0317 +6, overpo +6, Glory H +6, 1232343456 +6, Mysf222 +4, and 118 more...
Base +6, 空气AIR +6, ckw0317 +6, overpo +6, Mysf222 +4, funtaxi +6, jason9309577 +6, Retjj +6, A Fake Account +13, 8758395 +6, koishi876 +6, Batman00345 +3, yunnch +6, and 63 more...
Base +6, overpo +6, Glory H +6, ass23333 +6, funtaxi +6, Fujiwara no Sagume +6, Retjj +6, A Fake Account +13, koishi876 +6, gold123 +6, gcobc180619 +6, xlt12 +6, canglanxing +6, and 71 more...
Posted on 14 August 2021, 20:20 by:
kof.1 Score
Base +6, lelouchllon +6, didikash +6, god bingrenn -6, 苏卡卡 +6, Thresh864 +6, Retjj +6, di570845925 +6, koishi876 +6, enxlave +1, gcobc180619 +6, NothingReallyMatters +9, Retror +5, and 31 more...
Posted on 17 August 2021, 02:21 by:
OOO Li Score
Base +6, qq949718803 +7, god bingrenn +6, QJD1381 +6, 898563801 +6, tkm2345 -7, eir45 +5, qiuhaoV5 +4, 李舜生 +7, drocon +6, fg6ftf +6, di570845925 +6, koishi876 +6, and 111 more...
Posted on 19 August 2021, 06:44 by:
DziYu Score
Base +6, god bingrenn +6, lovejapan911 +6, tkm2345 +7, Red-Titanium +7, jenovacell +6, zguoguo +7, Trueblue1 +15, andy chan +6, NewYearrrrr +6, 扶她型肉便器 +6, wryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy +6, fear1999 +5, and 81 more...
Posted on 23 September 2021, 06:39 by:
dasvsdfwe Score
Base +6, z1030871891 +6, 2357sr +6, yunzouhuaran3 +5, wedadx123 +1, shaoguolu +3, smilience +6, chosozz +6, joestar123456 +2, windonlake +5, 枫桥夜泊0908 +1, 8758395 +6, 520SLGGX +4, and 50 more...
Posted on 29 September 2021, 18:02 by:
p0ker Score
Base +6, qiuhaoV5 +4, ssssfr +6, Thresh864 +6, QJD1381 +6, Cyberex +5, drmscalet +6, EDFS6 +6, oy137 +6, xioazw +4, gledos +6, iriia +1, Yttriumaz +1, and 15 more...
Posted on 06 October 2021, 11:37 by:
神之屎 Score
Base +20, Retjj +6, Byronli +6, hmswarspite3 +5, Kevin H. Yang +6, WXMKIR +4, EDFS6 +6, 文棠生 +3, 磐婲. +5, Coledas Ukgent +13
Posted on 06 October 2021, 12:54 by:
叮叮历险记 Score
Base +5, buzhiyue +4, Fujiwara no Sagume +6, sixsamurai +8, p1573 +6, 変態マホ +6, hywgangye +6, age1234567 +6, eonboler +2, Yttriumaz +1, 磐婲. +5, 李小璐663 +5, rewq320 +6, and 11 more...
Base +6, coldiceEVO +6, andy chan +6, hmswarspite3 +5, EDFS6 +6, koishi876 +6, p1573 +6, 変態マホ +6, dogtang +6, Tachibala sama +6, pengyikai +6, hywgangye +6, wanxin8 +4, and 10 more...
Posted on 07 October 2021, 07:12 by:
DziYu Score
Base +6, RONGRUO1 +5, andy chan +6, DPY +6, Wutheck +7, NewYearrrrr +6, gk0591 +6, hlowenl +6, disanwangzhe +7, hmswarspite3 +5, koishi876 +6, sakuzyoz +6, joestar123456 +2, and 44 more...
Posted on 07 October 2021, 08:30 by:
五时行 Score
Base +4, andy chan +6, DPY +6, Wutheck +7, NewYearrrrr +6, gk0591 +6, hlowenl +6, disanwangzhe +7, hmswarspite3 +5, qq1073281997 +6, koishi876 +6, sakuzyoz +6, gold123 +6, and 65 more...
Posted on 12 October 2021, 05:02 by:
fcafamas Score
Base +3, di570845925 +6, enxlave +1, ass23333 +6, Batman00345 +3, QJD1381 +6, pxdexuezu +6, leinuosake +2, yaoyaowu +6, 石崎信吾 +6, Kevin H. Yang +6, pHd_pancake_tosser +6, xlt12 +6, and 161 more...
Posted on 14 November 2021, 19:04 by:
lightball Score
Base +9, mecury1996 +6, lawye0 +5, taipanmaster +6, koishi876 +6, 好运来 +5, Su25ubk +6, kawaimea +3, Hyper Muteki Ex-aid +6, Tachibala sama +6, xianyu114514 +4, ybqppewrybmqybqppewr +1, fourninenine +6, and 11 more...
Base +6, moonrus +6, EDFS6 +6, koishi876 +6, 好运来 +5, Fuses +6, 汐凌丶 +5, 林檎的RIN +6, xlt12 +6, MuLeiXueYe +6, orangeboy233 +6, Glory H +6, RONGRUO1 +5, and 60 more...
Posted on 13 February 2022, 09:20 by:
z135 Score
Base +6, ehisgood123 +13, funtaxi +6, JDAlter +2, ass23333 +6, 绯flamehaze +6, Sundaysaint +6, Hyper Muteki Ex-aid +6, wikesey +5, Tachibala sama +6, pengyikai +6, james850126 +6, 斩白华 +6, and 12 more...
Posted on 18 February 2022, 07:41 by:
darthsu Score
Base +6, wsd1415926 +5, Su25ubk +6, ytg604 +6, andy chan +6, JDAlter +2, 东羽灬 +2, Diglol +6, lelouchllon +6, rk4444 +7, Hyper Muteki Ex-aid +6, wikesey +5, wuzheng -6, and 28 more...
Posted on 18 February 2022, 13:33 by:
sabashino Score
Base +6, Su25ubk +6, 东羽灬 +2, MuLeiXueYe +6, odin_power +6, Sundaysaint +6, bfsef +5, Hyper Muteki Ex-aid +6, 太极轰天 +6, 裂缝walker +3, XiaoYue059 +2, Tomoe Hotaru +7, 流沙包武神 +1, and 5 more...
Base +6, sixsamurai +8, 晓丶玉女 +14, 只有锋 +4, 本子啊!♂ +5, FateYe +6, 庞晓叶 +6, Confucius.__ +3, Anastasiamywaife +6, 裂缝walker +3, cailang753 +6, makerd3 +6, ovobutican +5, and 13 more...
Base +5, andy chan +6, Aspector +1, 珍珍如意棒 +5, zym980 +6, papatap +6, rk4444 +7, 大漠中的一点白 +4, 晓丶玉女 +14, jxxy24 +6, luke239768 +6, risehell +6, wutongdd +4, and 31 more...
Base +6, sdddhj +6, 千秋七海 +6, 珍珍如意棒 +5, 随云公子 +6, zym980 +6, papatap +6, hywgangye +6, ass8 +2, SKNE123 +6, Su25ubk +6, M1kuuuuuu +1, Anastasiamywaife +6, and 18 more...
Base +6, Mai-lader +7, 太极轰天 +6, andy chan +6, broooooooooo +5, zhl2019 +6, cailang753 +6, makerd3 +6, 梅祐衽 +6, 只有锋 +5, lweisuo +6, Sundaysaint +7, derchase +6, and 28 more...
Posted on 25 March 2023, 20:27 by:
bshdyl Score
Base +6, ElectricDipole +6, pkpk007kk2 +6, 2074736940 +3, Shaganyu +6, YUKIriz +6, ae335588 +6, 牖橄椭 +6, 8758395 +6, dohc40793 +4, ugdftgfduiv +2, stahea +6, ShingBling +2, and 25 more...
Base +3, qq1135841360 +6, 三生三世 +6, cqcqkara +6, supmegum1 +6, nnn147 +6, 233kun +6, qiao1022 +2, wyf123 +6, othousand +6, mili20507keku +6, ano...Ricardo +6, czh66666 +2, and 150 more...
Posted on 29 June 2024, 20:25 by:
Foamrose Score
Base +6, Die DDR +2
Last edited on 12 July 2024, 16:37.
Base +3, Db5gP -4, 并非有点小毛病 +2, zzf111 +7
Posted on 04 August 2024, 12:45 by:
liumu8 Score
Base +6, 1156430460qe +6, Die DDR +3
Posted on 31 August 2024, 04:33 by:
airpolice Score
Base +6
Posted on 07 December 2024, 16:16 by:
lanmiu Score
Base +6