Rachel Roth asserts Azarath's dominance over the Tamaran's Royal Family. (In other words: Raven uses her magical powers to tentacle fuck Starfire and Blackfire and show them who is the boss!)
Consider supporting the artist at: https://www.patreon.com/thaliatherasdotter
All Western drawn art of pornographic nature goes to "Western" category. This is a set that depicts a sequence of events (kinda-sorta) and is "distributed as a whole", but does not uses series of panels (at least two per page) to tell a story - ergo, "western cg". As a precaution: this means - no "full color".
Otherwise - 👍 Keep on the good fight, OP.
Base +31, Wilder Life +3, yupokamusi -7, Barethor -6
Thanks for clarifying. I actually never understood that the CG thing meant. "Western CG" and just "Western" sounded like the same thing for me. Is there a post or page where all the tags are explained in detail?