This is my first attempt at type setting using Tiodaiphos translation of the script. It was a quick process so the typesetting/clean up isn't as clean as someone with experience would make.
Either way if you like this work consider supporting the artist with a purchase here:
I seem to be having quite some influence lately when it comes to Piyokorota translations... Anyway, nice work! As per usual for my translations, these are mainly done through machine-translating and are thus not perfect: though I have improved in recognizing certain quirks in the Japanese language despite barely being able to read it.
My comment on the previous typesetting of one of my translations still stands: if you wish to typeset one of my translations, please notify me beforehand so I can give it a quick check/re-translate since some translations are well over a year old now, leaving them with errors/mis-translations that I wouldn't make nowadays, like the term Nagane (長根) being left in instead of translating it as "long dick".
Should anyone want to typeset another one of my translations (which I still wouldn't really recommend as they aren't professional), you can reach me via my e-mail ([email protected]) or the e-hentai forums.