Posted on 13 January 2021, 23:58 by:
erana Score
Base +12, Vibrated +6, *Blackshard* +8, Letracs +6, LexxiKitty +6, Qwertius +11, Qwerty Bam +6, aych001 +6, lukundra -6, Souloname +7, Oddball +7, Sojourner76 +8, peniscil +6, and 18 more...
Base +6, LexxiKitty +6, Naughtynaughty +6, BrianH +6, Qwerty Bam -6, errata +8, lukundra +6, HideousKojimbo +6, smartmeister -11, bobnick23 +7, Science Fiction +6, caaau +2, plekilalala +6, and 1 more...
Base +10, LexxiKitty +6, Qwerty Bam +6, smartmeister +11, Science Fiction +6, Spume Lord +9
Posted on 03 March 2021, 20:27 by:
bravo 6 Score
Base +6, LexxiKitty +6, justlookingforporn +6, Qwerty Bam +6, HideousKojimbo +6, Kairu_Hakubi +6, Argon Prime +7, smartmeister +11, Sojourner76 +8, Science Fiction +6, caaau +2, plekilalala +6, Cressent67 +8, and 1 more...
Base +5, Qwerty Bam +6, lukundra -6, smartmeister +11, Spume Lord +9
Posted on 22 April 2021, 10:49 by:
Net Imp Score
Base +8, Qwerty Bam -6, lukundra +6, HideousKojimbo +6, Naughtynaughty +6, errata +8, NoString +5, smartmeister -11, quilsol -6, Science Fiction +6, iamleejn +6, plekilalala +6, Songohon +6, and 2 more...
Posted on 01 May 2021, 23:39 by:
jeptun2 Score
Base +5, lukundra +6, HideousKojimbo +6, Naughtynaughty +6, smartmeister -11, Science Fiction +6, Robot#214 -7, Spume Lord +9
Base +6, Naughtynaughty +6, HideousKojimbo +6, smartmeister -11, Spume Lord +9
Base +8, HideousKojimbo -6, Oddball +7, Balletrixx +6, bobnick23 -7, Clock of All Cosmos -6, cornelius_4 -6, Science Fiction -6, swallows999 -6
Base +8, HideousKojimbo -6, Oddball +7, smartmeister +11, Fenl1 +6, MezzoDragon +8
Base +6, plekilalala +6, Science Fiction +6
Posted on 09 October 2021, 02:12 by:
Treefire Score
Base +6, Jstain +6, BlessedWithOneVerse +6, plekilalala +6, Science Fiction +6, HideousKojimbo +6, Kairu_Hakubi +6, Oddball +7, Spume Lord +9
Base +6, HideousKojimbo +6, Cressent67 +8, MilesReilly +9, Spume Lord +9
Base +9, Science Fiction +6, errata +11