Pretty sure you used the downsized version of the pages. 1280x is usually a sure giveaway that you used the wrong images. In case you did: download the archive, download the non-downsized torrent, or click the image, scroll down, and click "Download Original."
At least check the below guide.
1. Please level your pages. Your colors are extremely faded and it's ugly as hell. 2. Dust (text remnants) pollute your bubbles. Make sure you actually remove ALL the text.
Thanks for your feedback. I was unaware that an original version of this doujin was available on e-hentai, so I used the torrent file from ***** here: https://*****.net/g/208762/30/. I should've researched more, sorry about that.
1. The torrent file has already been faded to this extent, as you can see in the ***** link above. Not an editing error on my part, but using a different archive would've resolved this for sure. 2. I don't see this. Could you refer me to where specifically you see these "dusts"?
Don't download your RAWs from NH. NH ALWAYS downsizes the files to 1280x.
1. My dude, you need to level your pages ("Adjustment layer => Levels"). That's YOUR job, especially if the scans are shitty. Check the Youtube guide I linked. It covers that. 2. Examples of dust: p.1 (Sorry about my [...]), p.6 (I can still see the JP text for the moans lol). Check your bubbles. There's remnants of JP text left. If you're blind, level your blacks all the way and use that as a check layer.
@maskbastard I didn't know Rio Yanagawa died... I guess it's old news, but it's horrible news. I really feel terrible. When a great artist dies it's just heartbreakin'... I'm sorry for the person (I guess she was still quite young), but it's also sad to think about all the future works that died with her and we'll never see. I'm a huge fan of her early loli works, I'd say she was one of the greatest in that genre... and then she basically dominated in the shota genre, too. And yet, one of my favorite Rio Yanagawa stories is the "vanilla" AV Cine Club. I feel she could've gone mainstream if she wanted, she had enough talent to make the big jump... I don't know why she didn't - bad luck, or maybe a lack of interest on her part - but I'm glad she stayed with us hentai lovers.
Base +6, 44inf +6, wootwoot123 +6, warellis +7, lishen1 -6
Seems to be missing the first three pages of the chapter
RAW: /g/1116563/a7538c0ef2/ Translation starts from gallery image 30 while it looks like the chapter starts at gallery page 27.
Edit: @RasmusTheTranslator Thanks for the explanation, but just commissioning these 3 (or actually just 2 with dialog) wouldn't do much. Judging from the table of contents from the tank they just seem to be the bridge from the first part of this story.
The person who requested this commission didn't include the first three pages. Sorry about that, but if I happen to have some extra time, or if someone is willing to hire me for the 3 pages, I'm willing to supplement them!