For crossplay and trans people we use Crossdressing and male tags without tits, m:Gender Change and female tags if there are (fake) tits. b217285 (uploader) knows this but doesn't care as long as he gets his clicks.
If you are sick and tired of getting clickbaited by incorrect tags you can add this uploader to the excluded uploader list here /uconfig.php and it'll automatically hide most of the mistagging that goes on in the Cosplay category these days.
If you want to take a more proactive role in helping the site you're welcome to join us on the Vigilante forum where you can report mistagging, request new character, cosplayer or artist tags and suggest new content tags.
@Collins21 Because of the presence rule (content needs to be on 25% of the content or ~10 pages on small galleries, or 20-25%, 20pages in a row or enough smaller sequences to be satisfactory for galleries larger than 80 pages) tagging right and uploading all in one post are effectively incompatible.
Even if such a cobbled-together mess wouldn't be expunged as Compilation ( , Cosplay category is in a bit of a gray area regarding the rules on this as far as I'm aware), it still wouldn't really be searchable because only cosplayer:Sola, m:Gender Change, f:Makeup and maybe some of the parody tags would really end up valid if they were all rolled up in a single gallery.
Imagesets and Compilations are superior for people that just like everything from a given artist or cosplayer and want to see/download everything in a single gallery or only want to see something they dislike on the frontpage once........But they're a fucking disaster for tagging and finding content through the use of tags.
@Collins21 Another option is to make one torrent with all the galleries for a particular cosplayer, still divided by their own folders, and post that one torrent to each individual gallery page. I have seen this done and done it myself to great effect.
@Ricin That torrent is exactly what I was talking about. Thanks! Though it was only posted to this gallery. The one gallery left without a torrent (Raiden Shogun) is in this torrent as well.