Order: old to new. Images that are too large: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/2qfsewgp27a08mk/AAACxF3krvYupuiS77zYal7xa?dl=0 Thumbnail is p27. https://www.pixiv.net/users/70248569 https://twitter.com/7fnp9Oknohbj7iG https://skeb.jp/@7fnp9Oknohbj7iG
Instead of putting 2 images on a dropbox that will 404 later it's better if you just re-encode them down so you can upload here.
There's something wrong with 94739705_p0.jpg (22.42 MiB) and 94739705_p1.jpg (22.36 MiB), I could save them at 100% jpg quality and it reduced file size by almost 50%. And the other two images in the series are just around 2.65 MiB (when the coffin is closed).
Saving at 90% quality reduced the size down to just around 4.25 MiB. 94739705_p2.jpg and 94739705_p3.jpg are at 70% quality.
@Krowler I might later as many galleries have jpgs that are too big. The main goal of me uploading these is to archive them in their original form, which is why I didn't downsize them.